Panorama showing the Pei (now Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) and the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (now Dagu), near Tientsin (now Tianjin), China
Panorama showing the Pei (now Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) and the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (now Dagu), near Tientsin (now Tianjin), China
Personnes et institutions:
  • Felice Beato (photographer)

Panorama showing the Pei (now Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) and the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (now Dagu), near Tientsin (now Tianjin), China


between 22 August and 21 September 1860


- This panorama is one in a series of views which Felice Beato made of the four Taku Forts (Harris, p. 139; Worswick, p. 138).
- This panorama was made from the upper South Taku Fort looking east across the Pei (now Hai) River toward the Gulf of Chihli (now Bo Hai). The British and French combined fleet is visible on the horizon in PH1986:0901:014:002 (Harris, p. 160).

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 panorama(s)
Technique et médium:

Albumen silver prints


comp. (visible images; joined): 21.1 x 84.6 cm (8 5/16 x 33 5/16 in.) secondary support: 21.1 x 84.6 cm (8 5/16 x 33 5/16 in.) tertiary support (bound): 36.7 x 52 cm (14 7/16 x 20 1/2 in.)

Numéro de référence:


Point de vue:
  • exterior views
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

- Photographs PH1986:0901:014:001, PH1986:0901:014:002 and PH1986:0901:014:003 are adhered together on the same secondary support to form panorama PH1986:0901:014:001-003. The secondary support comprises three pieces of paper successively joined with cloth tape.


inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the tertiary support, l.c. to l.r.: with title numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the tertiary support, l.c.: "12" inscribed and numbered - on PH1986:0901:013:001, by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, verso, c.l.: "Entrance of PeiHo No 12"


Dagu; Tianjin; China;

  • architecture
  • ingénierie
  • militaire
  • topographique
Termes descriptifs:
  • river
  • earthworks (engineering works)
  • mud flats (landform)
  • palisades (outworks)
  • ships
  • forts
  • battlements
  • gulf
  • defensive walls
  • cavaliers (fortification elements)
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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