Interior view of the Assembly [?] Building showing tractors, Soviet Diesel Tractor Assembly Plant, Cheliabinsk, Soviet Union (now in Russia)
Interior view of the Assembly [?] Building showing tractors, Soviet Diesel Tractor Assembly Plant, Cheliabinsk, Soviet Union (now in Russia)
Personnes et institutions:
  • Unknown (photographer)
  • Albert Kahn, Inc. (architectural firm)

Interior view of the Assembly [?] Building showing tractors, Soviet Diesel Tractor Assembly Plant, Cheliabinsk, Soviet Union (now in Russia)


February 1938

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 photograph(s)
Technique et médium:

Gelatin silver print


comp.: 19.0 x 24.2 cm sheet: 20.3 x 25.3 cm

Numéro de référence:


Point de vue:
  • interior view

labelled and imprinted - printed in black ink, on a paper label attached to the sheet, verso, l.c.: "IF THIS PHOTOGRAPH IS USED FOR / PUBLICATION PURPOSES, / CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN TO: / ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES / ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS / DETROIT, MICHIGAN" labelled, imprinted, inscribed and numbered - printed in black ink, on a paper label attached to the sheet, verso, c.: "STUDIO QUADRANTE s.n.c. / vie [sic] montepulciano [sic] 2-20124 milano [sic]"; and by an unknown hand, in red felt pen, on the label, r.: "55" labelled and imprinted - printed in black ink, on a paper label attached to the sheet, verso, u.l. to u.r.: "SOYUZPHOTO 268398 (TISCHECKIN) FEBRUARY 1938 - The New Soviet Diesel Tractor - About 8 / months ago, the first Soviet diesel tractor (the Stalinets) left the conveyor of the Stalin Tractor Plant / in Cheliabinsk. The plant soon mastered the production of this complicated machine and produced more than 5000 diesels by the end of 1937. The "Stalinets" works on a cheap heavy fuel / and uses 1/3 less fuel than the ligroin tractor produced by the same plant. During the year of 1938 / the Stalin Plant will supply socialist agriculture with 10,000 diesel tractors. Photo shows: Loading / "Stalinets" diesel tractors that are to be sent to collective farms, in the assemblying [sic] shop of the / Stalin Tractor Plant in Cheliabinsk." ["The New Soviet Diesel Tractor" is underlined]


Cheliabinsk; Russia (Federation);

  • architecture
  • design d'intérieur
  • ingénierie
Termes descriptifs:
  • industrial complex
  • industrial buildings
  • machinery
  • trusses
  • monitors (roof appendages)
  • crawler tractor assembly plant
  • tractors
  • factory (structure)
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Federico Bucci/
Gift of Federico Bucci

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