Album of competition drawings for a municipal slaughterhouse, route Royale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Album of competition drawings for a municipal slaughterhouse, route Royale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Personnes et institutions:
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (draughtsman)
  • France. Conseil des bâtiments civils (client)
  • Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France). Conseil municipal (client)

Album of competition drawings for a municipal slaughterhouse, route Royale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye


drawings executed 20 January or 31 January 1847


- This album contains the complete set of ten presentation drawings that Charles Rohault de Fleury submitted to the competition for a municipal slaughterhouse sponsored by the Conseil Municipal de la Ville de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. The album also includes a pamphlet which describes the official programmes for the slaughterhouse competition as well as a competition for the restoration of the parish church (DR1974:0002:023:001). Rohault de Fleury submitted the following drawings according to programme guidelines: a general site plan at a scale of 2 mm to the meter (DR1974:0002:023:003); sections and elevations showing the project as a whole on all the main façades and axes, at a scale of 5 mm to the meter (DR1974:0002:023:004 - DR1974:0002:023:006); plans, elevations, and sections of the main buildings, at a scale of 1 cm to the meter (DR1974:0002:023:007 - DR1974:0002:023:011); and details for the buildings, machinery, and decoration, at a scale of 2 cm to the meter (DR1974:0002:023:012). The major components of the slaughterhouse - "les étaux des bouchers", "les bouveries", "les porcheries", and the administrative buildings - are composed of two buildings, identical on the exterior, but which vary according to function on the interior. The drawings indicate the proposed construction materials including a facing of rough stone for the walls, squared stone for the quoins, wood for the doors, metal for the gabled roofs, brick for the chimneys, and paved floors for areas coming into contact with the slaughtered animals ("les étaux des bouchers" and parts of the "porcherie").

Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 album(s)
Étape et objectif:
  • competition drawings
  • design drawings
  • presentation drawings (proposals)
  • dessins de détail
Technique et médium:

Text in letterpress printing on wove paper


album (at binding): 64.6 x 48 x 1.2 cm sheets (approx.): 27 x 41 cm

Numéro de référence:


Type de dessins:
  • finished drawings
  • renderings
  • preliminary drawings
Type de document:
  • competition programme
Méthode de projection:
  • floor plans
  • site plans
  • block plan
  • sections (orthographic drawings)
  • cross sections
  • elevations (drawings)
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

- The exterior of this album of ten bound sheets is faced with blue marbled paper. The album also contains one loose manuscript and one loose sheet of tracing paper.


dated and signed - on DR1974:0002:023:002, by the draughtsman, in graphite, u.l.: "20 Jer 47 / R" dated - on DR1974:0002:023:003 - DR1974:0002:023:012, possibly by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, b.r.: "31 Janvier 1847" imprinted and dated - on DR1974:0002:023:001, in letterpress printing, b.: "20 Novembre 1846. / Le Maire de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, / QUENTIN DE VILLIERS." inscribed - on DR1974:0002:023:003 - DR1974:0002:023:012, possibly by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "VILLE DE ST GERMAIN"; and u.r.: "PROJET D'ABBATTOIR" numbered - on DR1974:0002:023:003 and DR1974:0002:023:005 - DR1974:0002:023:012, possibly by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "2" numbered - on DR1974:0002:023:003 and DR1974:0002:023:005 - DR1974:0002:023:012, possibly by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, u.r.: with numbers 1 through 10 consecutively, with the exception of DR1974:0002:023:004 which is apparently number "2", although it is unnumbered inscribed - on DR1974:0002:023:003 - DR1974:0002:023:012, by the draughtsman, in pen and black ink, in various locations: "Procumbit humi Bos" inscribed - on most of the drawings, probably by the draughtsman, in pen and ink, in various locations: with titles

  • architecture
Mention de crédit:
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

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