Richmond City Hall, British Columbia (1997-2000)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Kuwabara Payne Mckenna Blumberg Architects (archive creator)
  • Kuwabara Payne Mckenna Blumberg Architects (architectural firm)
  • Hotson Bakker Architects (architectural firm)

Richmond City Hall, British Columbia (1997-2000)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 2,156 drawings (including 61 printouts and 4 reprographic copies)
    11 photographic copies
    5 paintings
    1 model
    0.001 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents Richmond City Hall in Richmond, British Columbia from 1997-2000. The office identified the project number as 9710, although some project materials also refer to the project number as 9709.

This project, headed by Bruce Kuwabara, was a joint venture between Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects and Vancouver-based Hotson Bakker Architects. The project consisted of a new civic space at the corner of Granville Avenue and No 3 Road, built on the grounds of the original city hall, that included a three-component building. These components included the circular Council Chamber at the forefront, an eight-storey administrative tower, and a long, two-storey Meeting House all surrounding a new civic square. The Meeting House connected the interior elements to outdoor spaces, which include a series of courtyards, gardens and water features. [1] The material palette for the building's exterior included an aluminum curtain wall with several types of glass finishes and wood accents.

This project is recorded through drawings, photographic materials, paintings, textual records and a project model dating from 1997-1999. The drawings are mostly original sketches, but some plans, elevations, sections, perspectives and details are also included. There are also a number of presentation materials, which include text on the design concept, digital renderings, photographs of the model and paintings.

[1]“Richmond City Hall,” The Architecture of Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg, 92 (Basel: Birkhäuser, 2004), 92.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series were compiled from multiple accessions and some have been arranged by material type.

Richmond British Columbia Canada


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