Personnes et institutions:
  • Centre canadien d'architecture (compiler)
  • Charles Rohault de Fleury (architect)




Niveau de description archivistique:
File 1
  • 3 albums
Présentation du contenu:
Like his father Hubert, Charles Rohault de Fleury also studied at the École polytechnique with Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand (1820-1821), and at the École des Beaux-Arts (1823-1825), Charles studied under his father and Louis Hippolyte Lebas. The CCA collection contains his printed exercise book from the École polytechnique and an album of drawings of the orders executed at both schools.

The printed exercise book (DR1974:0002:001:001-105), primarily dated to 1821, provides an overview of the first year curriculum at the École polytechnique reflecting the emphasis placed on the course in descriptive geometry. The exercises proceed from the simple to the complex; from the analysis of simple shapes to the interpretation of basic architectural elements. Many of the problems have been solved by Charles, and carry the approval seal of his professor. A large engraving included in the album provides a succinct table recording the career paths of graduating students in the various Écoles d'application, a description of the core curriculum, and a historical and chronological outline of the École polytechnique from its inception to 1828.

Charles' studies of the architectural orders (DR1974:0002:019:001-033), many of which are copied directly from Charles Normand's 'Nouveau parallele des ordres d'architecture...,' demonstrate the continued application of Durand's methodology applied to typical Beaux-Arts studies. The orders executed at the École polytechnique are pared down to their essential form and porticos are abstracted and grouped according to their tetrastyle, hexastyle, or octastyle configurations, whereas the orders completed at the École des beaux-arts are simplified, but still reflect the traditional mimetic interpretation of classical antiquity, with its fidelity to mouldings and details. The conspicous abscence of the composite order and the addition of the 'Dorique Romain and Moderne', attest to the continued influence of Durand's ''Precis'. The information regarding George's architectural career is limited to twelve drawings for architectural ornament and sculpture (1858-1859) submitted to a newly introduced, and obligatory, 'dessin' Concours d'emulation at the École des beaux-arts (1).

(1) R. Chaffe, "The teaching of architecture at the École des Beaux-Arts" in Arthur Drexler ed., 'The Architecture of the École des Beaux-Arts' (New York: MOMA, 1975), p.84 and fn. 120.)
Numéro de référence:



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