Domestic Commissions
Personnes et institutions:
  • Centre canadien d'architecture (compiler)
  • Hubert Rohault de Fleury (architect)

Domestic Commissions



Niveau de description archivistique:
File 2
  • 6 albums
Présentation du contenu:
Hubert and Charles Rohault de Fleury received domestic commissions for both urban housing -hôtel particuliers and apartment houses- and rural dwellings -châteaux, country houses and estates. Hubert also executed designs for furniture and garden pavilions. Hubert' work is characterized by restrained classical exteriors and luxurious Empire style interiors; both Charles' exteriors and interiors, especially those for Hôtels Sauvage and Soltykoff, reflect the exuberance of the Second Empire. The CCA albums include drawings from all stages of the design process but with an emphasis on design development drawings. Hubert's albums contain cost calculations and estimates, notes and letters. In general, the drawings by Charles are from a more developed phase of design than Hubert's; Hubert's commissions are more varied than Charles'.

The austere classicism of Hubert's domestic work reflects the prevailing taste of the day and reveals the strong influence of his teacher, Jean Nicholas Louis Durand. The compostional effect of the houses' façades relies on the shape and rhythm of the fenestration and the geometric division by string courses and occasionally, pilasters. Columns are used infrequently as is decorative stonework. The plans are symmetrical and modular. This approach to design is especially evident in the series of proposals for a country house for comte Treilhard (DR1974:0002:034:001-082) and in a group of unidentified designs for houses (DR1974:0002:035:001-034), all of which illustrate an emphasis on plan in the design process and a distinct approach to the composition of the elevations, both derived from Durand. Hubert's domestic work was also influenced by Palladio (see especially DR1974:0002:038:001-029).

The interiors and furniture designed by Hubert are typical of the Empire style (1). The drawings in the CCA collection illustrate the materials, palette and ornamental motifs of the period. The garden structures in Hubert's albums are more fanciful than his houses and are either Rustic, Chinoiserie or classical in style (2). His garden designs follow the contemporary French trend for "jardins anglais" with winding paths and naturalistic placement of the vegetation, sometimes in combination with more formal French gardens (3).

One of the most comprehensively documented domestic project by Hubert is the Rohault de Fleury House (12-14 rue d'Aguesseau; 1824). The CCA collection contains an interesting series of preliminary drawings for alternate proposals for this house, a number of highly finished wash drawings (including the interior decorative scheme) for the final scheme (DR1974:0002:011:001-08) and several earlier (ca. 1806) proposals (DR1974:0002:035:001-034).

The Domaine de la Vallée album (DR1974:0002:025:001-059) is notable for the range of subject matter included as well as for the insights into the character of a working country estate in the nineteenth century. The proposed modifications encompassed both functional (a bridge, a levee, granaries and stables) and aesthetic improvements, such as ornamental garden temples. The renovation of the house also exhibits both functional and aesthetic improvements.

(1) Examples of Hubert's interiors and furniture can be found in albums, DR1974:0002:007:001-068, DR1974:0002:011:001-089, DR1974:0002:025:001-059, DR1974:0002:030:001-065 and DR1974:0002:035:001-034.
(2) The best examples of his pavilions are found in album,
DR1974:0002:038:001-029 with other examples in albums, DR1974:0002:025:001-059, DR1974:0002:030:001-065 and DR1974:0002:035:001-034.
(3) Examples are found in albums, DR1974:0002:035:001-034 and DR1974:0002 :025:001-059. Also of note are drawings, DR1974:0002:007:007 and DR1974:0002:007:068.
Numéro de référence:



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