Software for collecting, formatting and storing data from the sensors
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Philippe Rahm (archive creator)
  • Stéphane Forget (software developer)

Software for collecting, formatting and storing data from the sensors



Niveau de description archivistique:
Series 1
  • 3611 digital files (239 GB)
Présentation du contenu:
Series 1, Software for collecting, formatting and storing data from the sensors, 2000-2008, is composed of four groups of files. Three of the four groups appear to represent different versions of a module that collects data from the sensors, writes the sensor data to XML format and transmits the data to a Web Server. The remaining group (ARCH275240) is composed of files whose purpose has not been identified. Files in this series were created between 2000 and 2008 but predominantly between 2006 and 2008.
ARCH275099 is a group of files that were originally saved to a compact disc following the CCA exhibition. The data on the compact disc was organized and interpreted by the person or persons who compiled it. The original directories have descriptive names and the data is accompanied by instructions in a readme file. This is a selection of the files from the compact disc; other files from the disc can be found in Series 2.
Groups ARCH275106 and ARCH275201 are composed of files that were selected from two of the hard drives that were returned to the CCA after the exhibition in Rovereto. The content of the hard drives included the selected files as well as system files and other data that was not retained in the archive. The two groups have some similarities in content and file structure and they both have some content that is similar to that of ARCH275099.
Group ARCH275106 additionally includes ZiLOG development software and a "CCA Trident program" copyrighted by Scenethetic Inc.
The modules in groups ARCH275099, ARCH275106 and ARCH275201 were developed in part by CCA information technology staff.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
The files in this series have been grouped according to their original storage media. They are not arranged in any particular order.

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