Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Québec
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Peter Rose (archive creator)
  • Peter Rose (architect)

Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Québec



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • Approximately 10,106 drawings (including reprographic copies)
    13.3 linear meters of textual documentation
    838 photographic materials
    32 models
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the design and construction of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Québec. After initially working as a consultant on the CCA warehouse project in the early 1980s, Peter Rose began designing the current CCA building in 1983. Architect, Erol Argun joined the project in 1985. The CCA building integrates the historic Shaughnessy House whose restoration ran concurrently with the CCA construction and was supervised by architect Denis St-Louis.

For the realization of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Rose worked in collaboration with the CCA’s founder and consulting architect, Phyllis Lambert and architects Erol Argun and Denis St. Louis. The CCA’s unique design and construction earned Rose a Prix d'excellence from the Ordre des architectes du Québec (1989), a National Honour Award from the American Institute of Architects (1992), a Governor General’s Award for Architecture (1992), and a Medal of Excellence from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (1993).

The drawings in this project are largely arranged chronologically from the restoration of the Shaughnessy House to the design and construction of the CCA building. The bulk of the drawings are dated between 1985 and 1989 which correspond with the dates of construction, however there is a large number of sketches from 1983 on. Any materials which are not explicitly dated have been given the date range of the project.

The textual records include minutes, correspondence with contractors, consultants and suppliers which often include discussions of design revisions, reports, architectural plan record sets, administrative files, architectural change orders, and files specific to the Shaughnessy House restoration. The majority of the records follow the original file structure, the largest two categories being Consultants, and Builder / Construction manager. There are also approximately 1.32 l.m. of architectural and shop drawings which were kept with the textual records.

The photographic material includes mainly research and reference photographs and documents the CCA construction phases as well as a few photographs that document the Shaughnessy House restoration.

The models are presentation and development models for the CCA building. These models provide views of Shaughnessy House, the entrance pavilion to the CCA, the galleries, library, Alcan Scholar’s wing, the Paul Desmarais Theatre, mock-ups of the CCA’s handrails and exterior wall facades as well as lamp bases for the Shaughnessy House.

In order to better navigate the materials it is important to note that when referring exclusively to the CCA floor plans or to floor plans which show both the CCA and Shaughnessy House, Rose often uses the term “level” with the height in feet above sea level, for example, level 149’ 9” is the main floor. However, architectural plans exclusively for Shaughnessy House often use floor numbers. It should also be noted that all plans for the Paul Desmarais Theatre are labeled as auditorium.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Material in this series was arranged mostly chronologically by CCA archivists.
Conditions d’accès:
  • Access by appointment only.

Montréal Île de Montréal Québec Canada

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • English
  • French

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