Research Library
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • McGill University. Minimum Cost Housing Group (archive creator)

Research Library



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 908 books
    160 serials
Présentation du contenu:
This series documents Minimum Cost Housing Group's research library. It consists of publications, which as published material is accessible through the CCA library to facilitate description and access. These publications can be found and requested for consultation on the CCA website using the search term "Minimum Cost Housing Group fonds."

There are about 908 monographs and 160 periodicals collected since the foundation of the groupe in the early 1970s, until 2017, the year of the donation of the material to the CCA. The publications are mostly from the mid-1930s to the early 2010s and are mainly in English, French, and Spanish, but includes various other languages such as German, Hindi, and Mandarin. The collection includes numerous publications related to sustainable architecture, low-cost construction and housing, and urban agriculture. A major theme across these publications is housing and urban planning in the developing world. These publications are complemented by numerous reports from organizations such as the World Bank and various branches of the United Nations.

Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
A list of all the monographs received from the Minimum Cost Housing Group can be found here:

A list of all the periodicals received from the Minimum Cost Housing Group can be found here:

Materials listed were either transferred to the CCA’s Library collection to facilitate description and access, arranged within the Minimum Cost Housing Group fonds, or were removed from this series if duplicates already existed within the CCA’s holdings.

To find monographs transferred to the CCA’s Library collection, researchers should search for "Minimum Cost Housing Group fonds" on the CCA’s website. To find periodicals transferred to the CCA’s Library collection, researchers should search for the periodical’s title on the CCA’s website.

Materials arranged in the Minimum Cost Housing Groupe fonds include unpublished materials, photocopies of publications, and restricted circulation publications [add where they can find this in the finding aid]. Lastly, to access copies in the CCA’s Library collection of duplicates removed from this series, researchers should search for the publication’s title on the CCA’s website.

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