Drawings and construction specifications for O/K Apartment
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Personnes et institutions:
  • KOL/MAC (archive creator)

Drawings and construction specifications for O/K Apartment


20 September 1994-6 March 1997


This directory contains a large number of subdirectories containing the working files for O/K Apartment. The files appear to have been copied over at intervals during the project. They show the evolution of the projects and changes that occurred over time; however, this means that there are also a large number of duplicates. Each directory represents the work over a particular time period. Within these directories, the files have three major groupings: First, there are a large number of word processing files which document KOL/MACs interactions with the engineers, contractors, and clients. There is also documentation for construction specifications, meeting minutes, and other various notes. Second, there are a number of CAD files, including wireframe drawings, floorplans, and blueprints, which document the evolving design of the O/K Apartment. These are particularly rich in terms of furniture design. Third, there are a large number of still images showing renderings of the apartment; other various architectural drawings are also present, particularly including wireframe drawings and floorplans exported to raster image formats. Most common file formats: Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document, ClarisWorks Word Processor, Microstation CAD Drawing, Tagged Image File Format.

né numérique
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
  • 4058 digital files (403 MB)
Numéro de référence:


Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

The word processing files (Microsoft Word for Macintosh and ClarisWorks Word Processor) open consistently using LibreOffice in a Linux environment. The AutoCAD plotter files do not open; however, they do appear to be duplicated, at least in part, by other formats including the Encapsulated Postscript Vector graphics files (in Adobe Illustrator) and/or the physical drawings. There are also a number of files whose file type was not identified at the time of processing; these often have a file extension of .000. It is unclear how to open these files, but they appear to be CAD-related.

Mode de classement:
This directory collocates a large number of working directories for the O/K Apartment. These directories are arranged chronologically.
Conditions d’accès:
  • Digital material can only be accessed on-site. Please contact Reference at ref@cca.qc.ca for more information. Access by appointment only.
Mention de crédit:
KOL/MAC project records,
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de KOL/MAC/
Gift of KOL/MAC
Note générale:
  • Major directories from the original order were renamed to improve usability. Additionally, some of the files in this directory needed to be manually renamed in order to open them. Due to the large number of duplicate files, the directories can be deduplicated upon request.

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