Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • Kivi Sotamaa (archive creator)
  • OCEAN North (architectural firm)
  • Johan Bettum (collaborator)
  • Markus Holmstén (collaborator)
  • Bonsak Schieldrop (collaborator)
  • Kim Baumann Larsen (collaborator)
  • Lasse Wager (collaborator)
  • Vesa Oiva (collaborator)

Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 89 digital files (176 MB), 33 drawings
Présentation du contenu:
Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North.

The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood, between a park area including the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, and a residential area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events.

The structure for Open Arena has three topological surfaces. The first provides stadium access to the players and the public, and includes services such as restaurant, cafeteria, and bars. Its shape aims to integrate with the natural landscape. The second contains the audience seating areas, including VIP and press areas, and aimed to arrange the audience as if it was loosely dispersed on a hillside. The third topological surface consists of the roof. The Töölö Football Stadium marks the introduction of the Channelling Systems process, defining building’s integration to its surroundings and distributing functions across the structure.

Records show different stages of the design process and include two digitized photographs of Plexiglas sections that were used to physically explore the design. Digital files are grouped under categories such as Board images, Board lay-out, Graft, Sections, Siteplans, digital model images, scanned plans and site images. This last directory contains digitized photographs of the grounds surrounding the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. All drawings are vector or raster images of the whole or parts of the structure, with some including the identifications of the structure’s parts.

Project records also include preliminary or working plans. Most were drawn to scale on paper and some were printed from CAD drawings. They chiefly reflect the design work to define the surfaces and shapes of the stadium’s structure.

Ateljé Sotamaa. “Portfolio: Open Arena”. http://portfolio.sotamaa.net/Open-Arena accessed in February 2018.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Material from this project was arranged by the creator and has mainly been kept in its original order.

Two digitized photographs that were kept on another CD, among similar files, were added to the main Töölö directory, in a new directory named “Model photos”.

The existing “Other Stuff” directory was also moved under the main Töölö directory, replicating the relationship these directories had in Johan Bettum’s OCEAN North project records.

Helsinki Finlande

Langue et écriture des documents:
  • English

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