City Hall and Library Facilities, Fredericton, New Brunswick (1972-1975)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • John Cresswell Parkin (archive creator)
  • Graham Napier Associates (architectural firm)
  • John Cresswell Parkin (architect)

City Hall and Library Facilities, Fredericton, New Brunswick (1972-1975)


circa 1972-1978

Niveau de description archivistique:
  • Approximately 222 drawings (including 162 reprographic copies)
    97 photographic materials
    0.26 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the design and construction of a library and an addition to city hall in Fredericton, New Brunswick from 1972-1975. The office identified the project number as 7226.

This project consisted of two distinct parts; a public library constructed at the corners of Campbell and Carleton Streets, and an addition to city hall whose original building was constructed at the corners of Queen and York Streets around 1875. These two buildings were located two blocks from one another, but a master plan for the project shows that the separating streets would be removed in favour of a pedestrian friendly landscape. Both buildings were located next to the St. John River. For this project, Parkin Architects Planners partnered with architectural firm Graham Napier Associates to form the joint venture referred to as Graham Parkin Architects Engineers Planners.
The brick-clad addition to city hall nearly doubled the square footage of the ground and first floors. The original city hall was four levels and the addition was two, with a mechanical penthouse on top. The new areas included departmental offices such as planning, engineering and sewage, a drafting room, conference room, and reception, among others.
The library consisted of a two-storey, brick-clad building that was approximately 24,000 square feet in size with a 16 car parking lot. The ground floor included reception and exhibit areas, stacks, administration offices, bookmobiles, and staff lockers, while the second level had stacks and reading areas, audiovisual areas and a staff work room and break room. The library also had a mechanical penthouse on top.
The project is recorded through drawings, including mounted presentation boards, photographic materials and textual records dating from 1972-1978. The drawings consist of original sketches, plans, sections, elevations and details of both city hall and the library, and some drawings used for construction. There are also drawings of the original city hall, first drafted around 1875. The photographs show existing buildings and the construction progress of the project. The textual records consist of correspondence, conference reports, interoffice letters, specifications, consultancy documentation, a soil investigation, research and drawing transmittal records. File AP018.S1.1972.PR18.020 contains an index to the textual materials, which was created by the office.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been arranged by material type.

Fredericton New Brunswick Canada

Sources complémentaires:
  • Records for related projects are also included in this fonds, see: AP018.S1.1975.PR04, Bus Shelter, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

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