Imperial Oil Enterprises Ltd., Product Application and Technical Services Laboratory, Sarnia, Ontario (1965-1966)
Inclus dans:
Personnes et institutions:
  • John Cresswell Parkin (archive creator)
  • John Cresswell Parkin (architect)
  • John B. Parkin (architect)

Imperial Oil Enterprises Ltd., Product Application and Technical Services Laboratory, Sarnia, Ontario (1965-1966)



Niveau de description archivistique:
  • 19 drawings (including 18 reprographic copies)
Présentation du contenu:
This project series documents the Imperial Oil product application and technical services laboratory in Sarnia, Ontario from 1965-1966. The office identified the project number as 6509.
This project consisted of a one-storey building that contained process areas, equipment rooms, testing rooms, a shipping area and offices for technicians and engineers. The project was also known as the PVC Applications Laboratory, since its purpose to support marketing of Polyvinyl Chloride. This building, resting on a 102,400 square foot site, was designed with narrow slot type windows to ensure environmental controls could be met within it. It had a steel frame with dark sable brick exteriors and a plastic fascia manufactured by the client. The client's plastics were also used throughout the interiors.
The project is recorded through drawings dating from 1965-1966. The drawings are mostly reprographic copies of construction plans, elevations, details, schedules, layouts, and mechanical, electrical and structural drawings.
Numéro de référence:


Mode de classement:
Materials in this project series have been arranged by material type.

Sarnia Ontario Canada

Sources complémentaires:
  • Records for related projects are also included in this fonds, see: AP018.S1.1954.PR01, Office Building for Imperial Oil Ltd., Sarnia, Ontario; AP018.S1.1960.PR02, Imperial Oil Limited, Ontario Region Office Building, North York; AP018.S1.1977.PR01, Imperial Oil Limited, Feasibility Study, North York, Ontario. Additional materials for this project are held at the University of Calgary in the John B. Parkin/NORR fonds.

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