The enduring Navaho / by Laura Gilpin.
Entrée principale:

Gilpin, Laura, author. aut

Titre et auteur:

The enduring Navaho / by Laura Gilpin.


Austin ; London : University of Texas Press, [1968]
Indianapolis, Indiana : Type set by Service Typographers, Inc.
Meriden, Connecticut : Printed by The Meriden Gravure Company
Austin, Texas : Color plates printed by The Steck Company
San Antonio, Texas : Bound by Universl Bookbindery, Inc.


xiii, 264 pages : illustrations (some color), map, portraits (some color) ; 29 cm

Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-256).
Part 1: The Navaho world -- The creation story. Maize ; The four sacred mountains -- The Dinéh -- Part 2: The way of the people -- Habitation. Trading posts ; Sheep raising ; Farming ; The landscape -- The crafts. The weavers ; The silversmiths ; The potters ; The basketmakers ; The painters -- Part 3: The coming way -- Tribal government. Recent tribal leaders ; Health and education ; Law and order ; The checkerboard area ; Tribal resources -- The fairs -- Part 4: The enduring way -- Heritage. The mountainway ; The blessingway ; The enemyway ; The elements ; The nightway -- Epilogue -- Appendices. Chronology ; Navaho prununciation guide
Also issued online.
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum Western Heritage Award for nonfiction, 1969.
Southeastern Library Association Southern Books Competition, 1968

A contemporary of Mary Austin, Mabel Dodge Luhan, and Willa Cather, Laura Gilpin was unique among women chroniclers of the Southwest because she worked in photography. She perceived the region as an environment for human activity rather than a place for untouched beauty, and her empathy for her subjects is evident in her work. Even in her eighties--ignoring the physical infirmities of age--she would camp overnight to be near a place she wanted to photograph at the break of day. The vast empty stretches of the southwestern desert did not deter her. She thought nothing of driving several hundred miles to make one image of a Navajo ceremony or making a long flight in a small plane to see a particular mountain peak. Gilpin's sixty-year career established her as one of the outstanding photographers of the twentieth century. Here are her pictures of the Navaho people and the stories of their lives in the 1950s and 1960s. Amazon.




Gilpin, Laura, 1891-1979.
Navajo Indians Pictorial works.
Indians of North America Southwest, New Pictorial works.
Navajo Ouvrages illustrés.
Peuples autochtones États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) Ouvrages illustrés.
Indians of North America
Navajo Indians
Southwest, New Pictorial works.
États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) Ouvrages illustrés.
New Southwest


illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Pictorial works
Ouvrages illustrés.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 17779
Cote: PO13335; ID:87-B547
Statut: Disponible


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