Buildings: their uses and the spaces about them, comprising three monographs: The character, bulk & surroundings of buildings, by Thomas Adams. Housing conditions in the New York region, by Thomas Adams in collaboration with Wayne D. Heydecker. Control of building heights, densities and uses by zoning, Edward M. Bassett. Assisted by Harold M. Lewis [and] Lawrence M. Orton.
Titre et auteur:

Buildings: their uses and the spaces about them, comprising three monographs: The character, bulk & surroundings of buildings, by Thomas Adams. Housing conditions in the New York region, by Thomas Adams in collaboration with Wayne D. Heydecker. Control of building heights, densities and uses by zoning, Edward M. Bassett. Assisted by Harold M. Lewis [and] Lawrence M. Orton.


New York, Regional plan of New York and its environs, 1931.


465 pages illustrations 29 cm


Regional survey of New York and its environs ; vol. VI

"Zoning cases in the United States", by E. M. Bassett and F. B. Williams, appendix to monograph three (p. 401-[455]) was published separately in 1928.
Includes bibliographical references.
The character, bulk & surroundings of buildings / by Thomas Adams -- Housing conditions in the New York region / by Thomas Adams ;in collaboration with Wayne D. Heydecker -- Control of building heights, densities and uses by zoning / by Edward M. Bassett.



Housing New York (State) New York.
Building laws New York (State) New York.
Public works New York (State) New York.
Art, Municipal New York (State) New York.
Travaux publics New York (État) New York.
Art, Municipal
Building laws
Public works
City planning New York (State) New York
New York (N.Y.) Buildings, structures, etc.
New York (State) New York

Vedettes secondaires:

Adams, Thomas, 1871-1940.
Heydecker, Wayne Darlington, author.
Bassett, Edward M. (Edward Murray), 1863-1948.
Lewis, Harold M. (Harold MacLean), 1889-1973.
Orton, Lawrence M. (Lawrence Mitchell)
Heydecker, Wayne Darlington.
Bassett, Edward Murray, 1863-
Lewis, Harold Mac Lean, 1889-
Orton, Lawrence Mitchell.
Regional survey of New York and its environs ; vol. VI.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181287
Cote: 756; ID:85-B11096
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181288
Cote: 4206 GF261 GF3138; ID:85-B11096
Statut: Prêt externe

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181289
Cote: 4206 GF261 GF3138; ID:85-B11096
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 181286
Cote: W6553; ID:85-B11096
Statut: Disponible


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