Time exposure : the autobiography of William Henry Jackson / profusely illustrated with photographs, paintings, and drawings by the author.
Entrée principale:

Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942, author.

Titre et auteur:

Time exposure : the autobiography of William Henry Jackson / profusely illustrated with photographs, paintings, and drawings by the author.


New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1940.


x, 341 pages, 30 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 22 cm

Illustrations: Author today -- Author's maternal grandparents, Amos and Betsey Wilson Allen, from a daguerreotype made not later than 1845 -- Cartes-de-visite of the '60's: [William Henry Jackson at 17]; [Harriet Maria (Allen) Jackson]; [William Henry Jackson (double exposure)], 1865 -- In camp along the Potomac in the spring of 1863 [painting] : Charley Huntoon and Ned Birdsall -- Mount Killington near Rutland, Vermont [sketch] -- F. Styles's "Vermont Gallery of Art" in Burlington [two sketches] -- Los Angeles in 1867 [sketch] -- Jackson Brothers' "shingle," Omaha, 1868 : When Pawnee meets Sioux / F.O.C. Darley -- Mollie Greer, the author's first wife -- Ferdinand V. Hayden, first United States Geologist, on his favorite horse, Patsy, in Wyoming in 1870 -- Yellowstone River in 1871 -- Thomas Moran on the Mammoth Hot Springs, July 12, 1871 -- Charley Campbell and the author photographing the three Tetons -- Author in 1872, while a member of the U.S. Geological Survey -- Survey's hunters, Joe Clark and a Mexican named Jose, arriving in camp in the Upper Yellowstone, 1872 -- Mountain of the Holy Cross, 1873 -- Mountain of the Holy Cross, 1893, [with author's son in foreground] -- Emilie Painter, the author's second wife -- Author in Washington, D.C., in 1873 -- Photographic division of the 1874 [Geological] Survey, on the way to Los Pinos and the Mesa Verde : [Frank] Smart; [Ed] Anthony; [Bob] Mitchell; Whan; Ernest Ingersoll; Charley [Charlie], our cook; Dolly, my mule -- Chief Tush-a-qui-not [Peah], in ceremonial dress of Uncompahgre Utes, at Los Pinos Agency, Colorado, 1874 -- John Moss and Cooper at cliff dwelling of Mesa Verde, 1874 -- Seneca Lake in the Wind River Mountains, 1878, Fremont Peak on horizon -- Main street of Creede, Colorado, in the early '80's -- Author's family in 1888, [including] brother-in-law, Orrin Painter, and Johnson, of the Southern Pacific Railroad -- Author dressed for his sledge trip in Eastern Siberia -- Train of Bactrian camels on the Amur River on the way to Krasnoyarsk -- Golden wedding anniversary of the author's parents, [including daughters,] Emma and Mary Elizabeth; [and sons,] Allen, [William Henry], Ed, Frank, and Fred -- Private car, "California Special," in which the author toured the Southwest -- Two of four murals, Powell Survey of the Colorado River; Hayden Survey of the Yellowstone, painted in 1935-1936 by the author for the Department of the Interior -- Memorial Day, 1940.

Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942.
Photographers United States Biography.
Artists United States Biography.
Photographes États-Unis Biographies.
Artistes États-Unis Biographies.
United States


autobiographies (literary works)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 13040
Cote: ID:87-B3591
Statut: Disponible


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