Architecture of aggression; a history of military architecture in North West Europe, 1900-1945 [by] Keith Mallory and Arvid Ottar.
Entrée principale:

Mallory, Keith.

Titre et auteur:

Architecture of aggression; a history of military architecture in North West Europe, 1900-1945 [by] Keith Mallory and Arvid Ottar.


London, Architectural Press, 1973.


307 pages illustrations, maps, plans 21 x 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. 1. 1900-18. 1914 Fortress zone : French, German and Belgian fortresses on the Western Front : their precedent and effects -- Defence in depth : development of the deadlock on the Western Front, the development of the German systems of defence in depth and concrete foundations -- Wider scope of defence construction : Allied defences build on Western Front and coastal fortifications including the first use of submarine pens -- Support structures : Nissen huts, mobile Zeppelin sheds, Richthofen's circus -- pt. 2. 1918-40. Maginot line : design and construction of French defence -- The Autobahn and West Wall : The birth of the Todt organization; the highway system in Germany and the military implications of the West Wall -- pt. 3. 1940-45. Fortress Britain : organization and construction of English defenses -- Atlantic Wall : Up to D-day -- The Armed camp : Build up of invasion forces in England and the resultant vast hutting programme ; aspects of prefabrication -- Birth of Mulberry Harbor and Fall of Atlantic Wall : design and military implications of Mulberry Harbour project -- Shelter controversy : British air raid shelter provision -- German bomb-proof mania : protection of civilian morale : the public shelters and flak towers -- pt. 4. Context. Context : trends in military architecture since 1945.
Library c. 2: ownership stamp of Cedric Price.
Dust jacket.
In Related Ephemera from c. 2: 1 newspaper clipping, 1 sheet.

Chronicles the development of military architecture in the twentieth century.




Fortification Europe History.
Military architecture Europe History.
Military architecture Europe.
Fortification Europe.
Architecture militaire Europe.
Fortifications Europe.
Architecture militaire Europe Histoire.
Military architecture.
Architecture militaire européenne
Military buildings Architectural features North-western Europe, 1900-1945



Vedettes secondaires:

Ottar, Arvid, author.
Ottar, Arvid.
Cedric Price fonds
Cedric Price Library


Localisation: Bibliothèque main price 266756
Cote: BIB 14011
Exemplaire: c. 2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main price related ephemera 266757
Cote: BIB 14011
Exemplaire: c. 2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 16627
Cote: W1485
Exemplaire: c. 1
Statut: Disponible


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