The magic image : the genius of photography from 1839 to the present day / Cecil Beaton and Gail Buckland.
Entrée principale:

Beaton, Cecil, 1904-1980.

Titre et auteur:

The magic image : the genius of photography from 1839 to the present day / Cecil Beaton and Gail Buckland.


1st American ed.


Boston : Little, Brown, ©1975.


304 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Cecil Beaton -- William Henry Fox Talbot -- Hippolyte Bayard -- David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson -- Antoine-François-Jean Claudet -- Albert Sands Southworth and Josiah Johnson Hawes -- Carl Ferdinand Stelzner -- Henri Le Secq -- Roger Fenton -- Hugh Welch Diamond -- Philip Henry Delamotte -- Charles Nègre -- John Jabez Mayall -- Gustave Le Gray -- Felice A. Beato and James Robertson -- Henry Peach Robinson -- Oscar Gustave Rejlander -- Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) -- Lady Hawarden -- Camille Silvy -- Mathew B. Brady -- Alexander Gardner -- Julia Margaret Cameron -- Nadar -- Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon -- Etienne Carjet -- William Henry Jackson -- Charles Marville -- Timothy H. O'Sullivan -- George Washington Wilson -- William Notman -- Louis-Auguste and Auguste-Rosalie Bisson -- Francis Frith -- Samuel Bourne -- Adolphe Braun -- John Thomson -- Eadweard Muybridge -- Frank Meadow Sutcliffe -- George Davison -- Peter Henry Emerson -- Count Giuseppe Primoli -- Thomas Eakins -- Frances Benjamin Johnston -- Jacob August Riis -- John Benjamin Stone -- James Craig Annan -- Frederick Henry Evans -- Eugene Atget -- Paul Martin -- Robert Demachy -- Fred Holland Day -- Heinrich Kühn -- Alfred Steiglitz -- Gertrude Käsebier -- Clarence H. White -- Lewis W. Hine -- Baron Gayne de Meyer -- Edward Jean Steichen -- Alvin Langdon Coburn -- Malcolm Arbuthnot -- Pirie McDonald -- Jacques-Henri Lartigue -- John B. B. Wellington -- Frank Eugene -- Richard Polak -- Alexander Keighley -- Adam Clark Vroman -- Edward S. Curtis -- J. Dudley Johnston -- Joseph Byron and Percy Claude Byron -- Charles Puyo -- Léonard Misonne -- Horace W. Nicholls -- Emil Otto Hoppé -- Arnold Genthe -- August Sander -- Doris Ulmann -- Alexander Rodchenko -- Hans Finsler -- Francis Bruguière -- Man Ray -- Herbert Bayer -- André Kertész -- George Hoyningen-Huene -- Curtis Moffat -- Brassai -- Berenice Abbott -- Rudolf Koppitz -- Frantis̆ek Dritkol -- Hugo Erfurth -- Martin Munkacsi -- László Moholy-Nagy -- Andreas Feininger -- Imogen Cunningham -- Edward Weston -- Erwin Blumenfeld -- Richard Kearton and Cherry Kearton -- Helmar Lerski -- Erich Salomon -- Tim N. Gidal -- Roman Vishniac -- Walker Evans -- José Ortíz Echagüe -- Daniel Masclet -- Manuel Alvarez Bravo -- Dorothea Lange -- Arthur Rothstein -- Maurice Beck -- Herbert Lambert -- Lotte Meitner-Graf -- Charles Sheeler -- Barbara Morgan -- Robert Capa -- Aaron Siskind -- Cecil Beaton -- Brett Weston -- Yousuf Karsh -- Angus McBean -- Edouard Boubat -- Howard Coster -- George Rodger -- Wolfgang Weber -- Herbert List -- Margaret Bourke-White -- Alfred Eisenstaedt -- John Heartfield -- Felix H. Man -- Eric Hosking -- James Abbé -- Henri Cartier-Bresson -- Horst P. Horst -- Toni Frissell -- Paul Strand -- Eliot Porter -- Gjon Mili -- Emmanuel Sougez -- Kurt Hutton -- Harold E. Edgerton -- Bill Brandt -- Ansel Adams -- Albert Renger-Patzsch -- Josef Sudek -- Clarence John Laughlin -- Dmitri Kessel -- Nickolas Muray -- Alexander Libermann -- W. Eugene Smith -- Edwin Smith -- Anthony Ayscough -- Douglas Glass -- Jean-Pierre Sudre -- Lilo Raymond -- Lennart Nilsson -- Werner Bischof -- Frederick Sommer -- Wynn Bullock -- Minor White -- William Klein -- Arthur H. Fellig ('Weejee') -- Helen Levitt -- Robert Frank -- Larry Burrows -- Georg Gerster -- Arnold Newman -- Bert Hardy -- Philippe Halsman -- Elliot Erwitt -- Robert Doisneau -- Norman Parkinson -- George Platt Lynes -- Otto Steinert -- David Seymour ('Chim') -- Jerry N. Uelsmann -- Hiroshi Hamaya -- Paul Caponigro -- Marc Riboud -- Bruce Davidson -- Gordon Parks -- Philip Jones Griffiths -- Irving Penn -- Ralph Eugene Meatyard -- Diane Arbus -- Lord Snowdon (Antony Armstrong-Jones) -- Danny Lyon -- Leonard Freed -- Ian Berry -- Raymond Moore -- Mirella Ricciardi -- Roloff Beny -- Ernst Haas -- Garry Winogrand -- Jeanloup Sieff -- Gerry Cranham -- Lee Friedlander -- Erwin Fieger -- Lucas Samaras -- Richard Avedon -- David Bailey -- George Silk -- David Douglas Duncan -- Harry Callahan -- Duane Michals -- Bernhard and Hilla Becher -- Tony Ray Jones -- Gianni Berengo Gardin -- Donald McCullin -- Mario Giacomelli -- Ronald Traeger -- Josef Koudelka -- Appendices -- Commercial Photographers of the Victorian and Edwardian Eras -- Commercial Photographers of the 1920s and 1930s -- Architectural Photographers -- Fashion Photographers -- Press Photographers -- Theatre Photographers -- Ballet Photographers -- Glossary -- Index.

"The Magic Image records the development of photography through the images and their makers, from the early pioneers ... to the great photographers today ... series of entries devoted to over 200 individual artists. Each entry consists of a key photograph, a comprehensive section of biographical and technical details ... and a personal assessment by Beaton of the photographer's contribution to his art ... A complete glossary of photographic processes and terminology is also included"--Cover.




Photography Biography.
Photography History.
Photographie Histoire.



Vedettes secondaires:

Buckland, Gail, author.
Buckland, Gail.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 37094
Cote: ID:88-B8139
Statut: Disponible


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