What's love (or care, intimacy, warmth, affection) got to do with it? / with contributions by Paul Chan [and sixteen others].
Titre et auteur:

What's love (or care, intimacy, warmth, affection) got to do with it? / with contributions by Paul Chan [and sixteen others].


Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2017]


360 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm


E-flux journal

Collection of texts published previously.
Includes bibliographical references.
Preface: missed connections -- Testo junkie: sex, drugs, and biopolitics / Paul B. Preciado -- Is it love? / Brian Kuan Wood -- What are people being so nice? / Martha Rosler -- Love machines and the Tinder-bot Bildungsroman / Lee Mackinnon -- Dear navigator / Hu Fang -- Debt and study / Fred Moten and Stefano Harney -- Shapes of freedom: a conversation with Elizabeth A. Povinelli / Kim Turcot DiFruscia -- Iridescence, intimacies / Tavi Meraud -- What is love? Queer subcultures and the political present / Virginia Solomon -- Hegel on marriage / Slavoj Žižek -- Exhaustion and exuberance: ways to defy the pressure to perform / Jan Verwoert -- The unthinkable community / Paul Chan -- Beautiful misgivings (Schönezweifel)--which love / Antke Engel -- The octopus in love / Chus Martínez -- Sexuality in a non-libidinal economy / Keti Chukhrov -- Undying love, or love dies / Jalal Toufic -- How to begin living in the trees? / Cluster.

It is often said that we no longer have an addressee for our political demands. But that's not true. We have each other. What we can no longer get from the state, the party, the union, the boss, we ask for from one another. And we provide. Lacan famously defined love as giving something you don't have to someone who doesn't want it. But love is more than a YouTube link or a URL. Love's joy is not to be found in fulfillment, it is to be found in recognition: even though I can never return what was taken away from you, I may be the only person alive who knows what it is. In our present times--post-human, post-reality, or maybe pre-internet, post-it, pre-collapse, pre-fabricated by algorithms--what does love have to do with it? Since 2009, need and care and desire and admiration have been cross-examined, called as witness, put on parole, and made the subject of caring inquiry by e-flux journal authors. These writings have now been collected to form this comprehensive volume.


9783956792670 (pbk.)


Liebe, ...
Love Philosophy.
Love Political aspects.
Intimacy (Psychology)
Interpersonal relations.
Amour Philosophie.
Amour Aspect politique.
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehung

Vedettes secondaires:

Chan, Paul, 1973- contributor.

What's love got to do with it?


Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 297853
Cote: BIB 244161
Statut: Disponible


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