Queering urban justice : queer of colour formations in Toronto / edited by Jin Haritaworn, Ghaida Moussa, and Syrus Marcus Ware, with Río Rodríguez.
Titre et auteur:

Queering urban justice : queer of colour formations in Toronto / edited by Jin Haritaworn, Ghaida Moussa, and Syrus Marcus Ware, with Río Rodríguez.


Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2018]


ix, 224 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
1. "Our study is sabotage": queering urban justice, from Toronto to New York -- 2. "We had to take space, we had to create space": locating queer of colour politics in 1980s Toronto -- 3. Má-ka Juk Yuh: a genealogy of black queer liveability in Toronto -- 4. Diasporic intimacies: queer Filipinos/as and Canadian imaginaries -- 5. On "gaymousness" and "calling out": affect, violence, and humanity in queer of colour politics -- 6. Calling a shrimp a shrimp: a black queer intervention in disability studies -- 7. Black lives matter Toronto teach-in -- 8. Black picket signs/white picket fences: racism, space, and solidarity -- 9. Becoming through others: western queer self-fashioning and solidarity with queer Palestine -- 10. Compulsory coming out and agentic negotiations: Toronto QTPOC narratives -- 11. The sacred uprising: indigenous creative activisms -- Epilogue: Caressing in small spaces.

Queering Urban Justice foregrounds visions of urban justice that are critical of racial and colonial capitalism, and asks: What would it mean to map space in ways that address very real histories of displacement and erasure? What would it mean to regard Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (QTBIPOC) as geographic subjects who model different ways of inhabiting and sharing space? The volume describes city spaces as sites where bodies are exhaustively documented while others barely register as subjects. The editors and contributors interrogate the forces that have allowed QTBIPOC to be imagined as absent from the very spaces they have long invested in. From the violent displacement of poor, disabled, racialized, and sexualized bodies from Toronto's gay village, to the erasure of queer racialized bodies in the academy, Queering Urban Justice offers new directions to all who are interested in acting on the intersections of social, racial, economic, urban, migrant, and disability justice.


9781487522858 (softcover)


Minority gay people Ontario Toronto Social conditions.
Transgender people Ontario Toronto Social conditions.
Sexual minorities Ontario Toronto Social conditions.
Sexual minority community Ontario Toronto.
Sexual minority parents Ontario Toronto.
Personnes homosexuelles issues des minorités Ontario Toronto Conditions sociales.
Transgenres Ontario Toronto Conditions sociales.
Minorités sexuelles Ontario Toronto Conditions sociales.
Parents issus des minorités sexuelles Ontario Toronto.
Communautés de minorités sexuelles Ontario Toronto.
Sexual minority parents
Sexual minority community
Minority gays Ontario Toronto Social conditions.
Homosexuels issus des minorités Ontario Toronto Conditions sociales.
Ontario Toronto

Vedettes secondaires:

Haritaworn, Jinthana, editor.
Moussa, Ghaida, editor.
Ware, Syrus Marcus, editor.
Rodríguez, Río, 1987- editor.

Queer of color formations in Toronto


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306054
Cote: BIB 251789
Statut: Disponible


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