Wood, brick, and stone : the North American settlement landscape / Allen G. Noble ; drawings by M. Margaret Geib.
Entrée principale:

Noble, Allen G., 1930-2021.

Titre et auteur:

Wood, brick, and stone : the North American settlement landscape / Allen G. Noble ; drawings by M. Margaret Geib.


Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.


2 volumes : illustrations, maps, plans ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Vol. 1. Houses -- [Table of Contents] -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- PART ONE. Introduction -- . 1. Settlement Landscapes and Cultural Hearths -- PART TWO. Evolution of Colonial Houses in Northeastern Hearths -- 2. French Colonial Houses in the St. Lawrence Valley Hearth -- 3. English Colonial Houses in the New England Hearth -- 4. Dutch Colonial Houses in the Hudson Valley Hearth -- 5. Colonial Houses in the Delaware Valley Hearth -- 6. English Colonial Houses in the Chesapeake Bay Hearth -- PART THREE. Environment and House Evolution -- 7. Houses of the English and Spanish in the Humid Subtropics -- 8. Early Dwellings in Western Environments -- 9. French Houses in the Warm, Humid Mississippi Valley -- PART FOUR. Evolution of Later Houses -- 10. The Diffusion and Modification of Eastern Houses -- 11. Style and Fashion: The Sequence of Nineteenth-Century Houses -- Notes -- Index.
Vol. 2. Barns and Farm Structures.
Also issued online.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP4.40 0.

"Wood, Brick and Stone is the first comprehensive treatment of the evolution of North American folk architecture. Richly illustrated with 560 floor plans, drawings, and photographs, this two-volume work discusses houses, barns, and other rural landscape features and traces the process of cultural diffusion that accompanied settlement of the continent. Folk architecture includes structures and buildings of all types, as well as items such as equipment and handicrafts. Methods of land division, shape and size of fields, arrangement of houses and other buildings, and modes and patterns of transportation are also treated. Volume 1 discusses such diverse dwellings as American colonial houses in the Northeast; English, French, and Spanish houses in the Southeast; Native American tipis, hogans, and dugouts; Spanish-Mexican adobes; and log cabins, western bungalows, New England cottages, and Georgian estates. Volume 2, Barns and Farm Structures, treats the evolution of barns and other agricultural buildings. Among the topics discussed are the ethnic origins of the North American farm barn, the changes this structure underwent as settlers made their way across North America, and the evolution and diffusion of secondary farm structures, such as silos, spring houses, windmills, and hay derricks. This interdisciplinary work will interest cultural and historical geographers, social and cultural historians, folklorists, and architects." -- Book Jacket.


0870234102 (v. 1)
9780870234101 (v. 1)
0870234110 (v. 2)
9780870234118 (v. 2)


Vernacular architecture North America.
Farm buildings North America.
Architecture vernaculaire Amérique du Nord.
Architecture Amérique du Nord Dessins et plans.
Constructions rurales Amérique du Nord.
Farm buildings
Vernacular architecture
North America


Illustrated works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Geib, M. Margaret, illustrator.
Geib, M. Margaret.

Wood, brick, & stone


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 77777
Cote: ID:84-B168
Exemplaire: v. 2
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 77776
Cote: PO7247; ID:84-B168
Exemplaire: v. 1
Statut: Disponible


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