Seeing green : the use and abuse of American environmental images / Finis Dunaway.
Entrée principale:

Dunaway, Finis, author.

Titre et auteur:

Seeing green : the use and abuse of American environmental images / Finis Dunaway.


Paperback edition.


Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2018.


viii, 337 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 281-326) and index.
Introduction -- Dr. Spock, Daisy Girl, and DDT: a prehistory of environmental icons -- Earth day and the visual politics of environmental crisis -- From Santa Barbara to Earth Day -- Gas masks: the ecological body under assault -- Pogo: "we have met the enemy and he is us" -- The crying Indian -- The recycling logo and the aesthetics of environmental hope -- Energy crises and emotional politics -- Gas lines and power struggles -- Nuclear meltdown I: the China syndrome -- Nuclear meltdown II: Three Mile Island -- Here comes the sun? -- Carter's crisis and the road not taken -- Green goes mainstream -- Environmental spectacle in a neoliberal age -- Meryl Streep, the Alar crisis, and the rise of green consumerism -- The sudden violence of the Exxon Valdez -- Global crisis, green consumers: the media packaging of Earth Day 1990 -- Conclusion: the strange career of an inconvenient truth.

"Over 15 chapters, Dunaway transforms what we know about icons and events. Seeing Green is the first history of ads, films, political posters, and magazine photography in the postwar American environmental movement. From fear of radioactive fallout during the Cold War to anxieties about global warming today, images have helped to produce what Dunaway calls "ecological citizenship," telling us that "we are all to blame." Dunaway heightens our awareness of how depictions of environmental catastrophes are constructed, manipulated, and fought over"--Publisher info.




Environmentalism in mass media.
Environmentalism United States.
Visual communication United States.
Environmentalism in art.
Disasters in art.
Environnementalisme dans les médias.
Communication visuelle États-Unis.
Environnementalisme dans l'art.
Catastrophes dans l'art.
Visual communication.
United States.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302878
Cote: BIB 249037
Statut: Disponible


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