Laboratory lifestyles : the construction of scientific fictions / edited by Sandra Kaji-O'Grady, Chris L. Smith, and Russell Hughes.
Titre et auteur:

Laboratory lifestyles : the construction of scientific fictions / edited by Sandra Kaji-O'Grady, Chris L. Smith, and Russell Hughes.


Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2018]


xxiv, 274 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm.



Includes bibliographical references and index.
Lifestyle Science : Its Origins, Precepts and Consequences / Russell Hughes, Sandra Kaji-O'Grady and Chris L. Smith -- Beanbags and Microscopes at Xerox PARC / Kathleen Brandt and Brian Lonsway -- The Good Experiment: How Architecture Matters for Graphene Research / Albena Yaneva and Stelios Zavos -- The Beach Boys: Classified Research with a Southern California Vibe / Stuart W. Leslie -- The Siberian Canivalesque: Novosibirsk Science City / Ksenia Tatarchenko -- Scientific Dining / Sandra Kaji-O'Grady -- Naked in the Laboratory / Chris L. Smith -- Biosphere 2's Experimental Life / Tim Ivison, Julia Tcharfas, and Simon Sadler -- Science Facts and Space Fictions: Making Room for the Frontiersman, Soldier, and Scientist in the Space Laboratory / Nicole Sully, William Taylor, and Sean O'Halloran -- The Urbane Laboratory: Applied Sciences New York / Russell Hughes.
Dust jacket.

The past decade has seen an extraordinary laboratory-building boom. This new crop of laboratories features spectacular architecture and resort-like amenities. The buildings sprawl luxuriously on verdant campuses or sit sleekly in expensive urban neighborhoods. Designed to attract venture capital, generous philanthropy, and star scientists, these laboratories are meant to create the ideal conditions for scientific discovery. Yet there is little empirical evidence that shows if they do. This book examines this new species of scientific laboratory from architectural, economic, social, and scientific perspectives. Illustrated with photographs of laboratories and scientists at work in them, the book investigates how "lifestyle science" affects actual science. Are scientists working when they stretch in a yoga class, play volleyball in the company tournament, chat in an on-site cafe, or show off their facilities to visiting pharmaceutical executives? 0The book describes, among other things, the role of beanbag chairs in the construction of science at Xerox PARC; the Southern California vibe of the RAND Corporation (Malibu), General Atomic (La Jolla), and Hughes Research Laboratories (Malibu); and Biosphere 2's "bionauts" as both scientists and scientific subjects; and interstellar laboratories. Laboratory Lifestyles (the title is an allusion to Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar's influential Laboratory Life) documents a shift in what constitutes scientific practice; these laboratories and their lifestyles are as experimental as the science they cultivate.


9780262038928 (hardcover alkaline paper)
0262038927 (hardcover alkaline paper)
(electronic book)
(electronic book)


Work environment.
Architecture Human factors.
Architecture and society.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
Architecture et société.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Workplace Culture.

Vedettes secondaires:

Kaji-O'Grady, Sandra, editor.
Smith, Chris (Chris L.), editor.
Hughes, Russell, editor.
Smith, Chris (Chris L.) editor.
Leonardo (Series) (Cambridge, Mass.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 304142
Cote: BIB 249635
Statut: Disponible


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