The urban microclimate as artifact : towards an architectural theory of thermal diversity / Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi (eds.).
Titre et auteur:

The urban microclimate as artifact : towards an architectural theory of thermal diversity / Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi (eds.).


Basel : Birkhäuser, [2018]


197 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), charts, maps, plans ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Microclimates and the city : towards an architectural theory of thermal diversity / Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi -- Between laboratory and Sea Ranch : architecture and the notion of microclimate (USA) / Lisa Heschong in conversation with Sascha Roesler -- Citizens and climate : microclimatic patterns in medieval cities (Northern Italy) / Roberto Leggero -- Indoor urbanism : air-conditioned microclimates in Metro Manila (The Philippines) / Marlyne Sahakian -- Public microclimates : thermal outdoor expectations in post-earthquake Christchurch (New Zealand) / Silvia Tavares -- Thermal sensations : the case of the Jade Eco Park in Taichung (Taiwan) / Philippe Rahm in conversation with Sascha Roesler -- Thermal layers : the case of the Lycee Schorge in Koudougou (Burkina Faso) / Francis Kere in conversation with Madlen Kobi -- Building a Brazilian climate : the case of the House of Brazil in Paris (France) / Ignacio Requena-Ruiz -- Heating and cooling the desert : the case of the Kaufmann Desert House in Palm Springs (USA) / Matthias Brunner.

"Urban microclimates cannot be explained solely on the basis of scientific phenomena, but are also affected materially and spatially by the city's local architecture. The layout, design, and facade construction of buildings have a major impact on wind and temperature conditions. For this reason, architecture and urban design that have an effect on microclimates must be investigated in their social and cultural contexts. The publication uses international case studies to explain these relationships. The focus is on manifestations of urban microclimates in an architectural and urban design context. The places investigated are located in France, Italy, the USA, New Zealand, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Burkina Faso."-- Provided by publisher


9783035615463 (hardback)
3035615462 (hardback)


Architecture and climate Case studies.
Urban climatology Case studies.
Architecture Environmental aspects Case studies.
Architecture et climat Études de cas.
Climatologie urbaine Études de cas.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement Études de cas.
Architecture and climate.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Urban climatology.


Case studies.
Études de cas.

Vedettes secondaires:

Roesler, Sascha, 1971- editor.
Kobi, Madlen, 1982- editor.

Towards an architectural theory of thermal diversity


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307836
Cote: BIB 253313
Statut: Disponible


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