Avant-garde in the cornfields : architecture, landscape, and preservation in New Harmony / Ben Nicholson and Michelangelo Sabatino, editors.
Titre et auteur:

Avant-garde in the cornfields : architecture, landscape, and preservation in New Harmony / Ben Nicholson and Michelangelo Sabatino, editors.


Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2019]


xxxix, 351 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Jane Blaffer and Kenneth Dale Owen : a family and educational portrait / Nancy Mangum McCaslin -- Patronage and modernism / Stephen Fox -- New Harmony as an evolving commemorative environment / Christine Gorby -- 'The rib cage of the human heart' : Philip Johnson's Roofless Church / Cammie McAtee -- Frederick Kiesler's Grotto : a Promethean spirit in New Harmony / Ben Nicholson with William R. Crout -- The New Harmony gardens of Jane Blaffer Owen / Christine Gorby -- The New Harmony Atheneum : white collage / Ben Nicholson -- Three voices in New Harmony. Estranged and reunited : the new being / Paul Tillich ; Reflections on New Harmony / Ralph Grayson Schwarz ; The Jane Blaffer Owen Sanctuary plan within her vision for New Harmony / Kenneth A. Schuette Jr.

"Avant-Garde in the Cornfields is an in-depth study of New Harmony, Indiana, a unique town in the American Midwest renowned as the site of two successive Utopian settlements during the nineteenth century: the Harmonists and the Owenites. This engrossing and well-documented book explores the architecture, topography, and preservation of New Harmony during both periods and addresses troubling questions about the origin, production, and meaning of the town’s modern structures, landscapes, and gardens. An important reappraisal of postwar American architecture from a rural perspective, it provides provocative ideas about how history is interpreted through design and historic preservation – and about how the extraordinary past and present of New Harmony continue to thrive today.”--Page 4 of cover.


9781517903138 hardcover ; alkaline paper
1517903130 hardcover ; alkaline paper
9781517903145 paperback ; alkaline paper
1517903149 paperback ; alkaline paper


Midcentury modern (Architecture) Indiana New Harmony.
Art patronage Indiana New Harmony.
Cultural landscapes Indiana New Harmony.
Cultural property Protection Indiana New Harmony.
Modernisme du milieu du siècle (Architecture) Indiana New Harmony.
Mécénat Indiana New Harmony.
Paysages culturels Indiana New Harmony.
Art patronage.
Cultural landscapes.
Cultural property Protection.
Midcentury modern (Architecture)
New Harmony (Ind.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Indiana New Harmony.

Vedettes secondaires:

Nicholson, Ben, editor.
Sabatino, Michelangelo, editor.
Nicholson, Ben editor.
Sabatino, Michelangelo editor.

Architecture, landscape, and preservation in New Harmony


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307429
Cote: BIB 252916
Statut: Disponible


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