Free and natural : nudity and the American cult of the body / Sarah Schrank.
Entrée principale:

Schrank, Sarah, author.

Titre et auteur:

Free and natural : nudity and the American cult of the body / Sarah Schrank.


Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2019]


247 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


Nature and culture in America

Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-237) and index.
Introduction. On being free and natural -- Welcome to the nudist colony -- Naked at home -- Therapeutic nudist retreats -- Swinging suburbs -- How to free a beach -- Naked lifestyle consumerism -- Epilogue. Bodies out of place.
Dust jacket.

"From Naked Juice® to nude yoga, contemporary society is steeped in language that draws a connection from nudity to nature, wellness, and liberation. This branding promotes a "free and natural" lifestyle to mostly white and middle-class Americans intent on protecting their own bodies--and those of society at large--from overwork, environmental toxins, illness, conformity to body standards, and the hyper-sexualization of the consumer economy. How did the naked body come to be associated with "naturalness," and how has this notion influenced American culture? Free and Natural explores the cultural history of nudity and its impact on ideas about the body and the environment from the early twentieth century to the present. Sarah Schrank traces the history of nudity, especially public nudity, across the unusual eras and locations where it thrived--including the California desert, Depression-era collectives, and 1950s suburban nudist communities--as well as the more predictable beaches and resorts. She also highlights the many tensions it produced. For example, the blurry line between wholesome nudity and sexuality became impossible to sustain when confronted by the cultural challenges of the sexual revolution. Many longtime free and natural lifestyle enthusiasts, fatigued by decades of legal battles, retreated to private homes and resorts while the politics of gay rights, sexual liberation, environmentalism, and racial equality of the 1970s inspired a new generation of radical advocates of public nudity. By the dawn of the twenty-first century, Schrank demonstrates, a free and natural lifestyle that started with antimaterialist, back-to-the-land rural retreats had evolved into a billion-dollar wellness marketplace where "Naked™" sells endless products promising natural health, sexual fulfilment, organic food, and hip authenticity. Free and Natural provides an in-depth account of how our bodies have become tethered so closely to modern ideas about nature and identity and yet have been consistently subjected to the excesses of capitalism." -- Publisher's description


9780812251425 hardcover
0812251423 hardcover


Nudism United States History.
Nudity Social aspects United States History.
Human body Social aspects United States History.
Nudisme États-Unis Histoire.
Nudité Aspect social États-Unis Histoire.
Human body Social aspects.
Nudity Social aspects.
United States.



Vedettes secondaires:

Nature and culture in America.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305420
Cote: BIB 251250
Statut: Disponible


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