BC Architects & Studies : the act of building / editor, Pauline Lefebvre.
Titre et auteur:

BC Architects & Studies : the act of building / editor, Pauline Lefebvre.


Antwerp, Belgium : Flanders Architecture Institute, 2018.


149 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles, plans ; 21 cm

On occasion of an exhibition held at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy, May 26 - November 25, 2018.
Includes bibliographical references.
THE PRESS -- Continuing a Building Culture -- Planning the Production Chain -- Unearthing the Potential of Local Resources -- CORDS -- Taking Part in a Building Team -- A HEATING WIRE -- Experimenting and Dealing with Risks -- A PNEUMATIC RAMMER -- Developing an Expertise with Earth -- Dealing with Water -- THE CUSTOM FORMWORK -- Designing Simple Buildings -- Organizing Workshops -- STICKS -- From Participation to the Act of Building -- THE ARCHES -- A MODULAR FORMWORK -- Searching for a Contemporary Vernacular -- THE GRABBERS -- Building Collective Energy -- THE MIXER -- Opening Up the Niche.

From the first field trips for the design of a library in Burundi to involving over 150 workshop participants in the construction of a public building in Belgium, the stories compiled in this book tell how BC architects & studies engage in acts of building. BC believes that, in order to have a positive impact on our society, architects need to intervene beyond the narrow definition of the professional who designs and controls the execution of buildings. Hence, BC ventures into material production, contracting, storytelling, knowledge transfer, community organization, which influence their design approach. By describing the way BC architects & studies design and perform the act of building, the book suggests a trajectory of how BC hopes architecture can contribute to our world in transition. Exhibition: Belgian Pavilion, 16th Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy (26.05.-25.11.2018).


9789492567093 (paperback)
9492567091 (paperback)


BC Architects and Studies Exhibitions.
Architecture, Flemish 21st century Exhibitions.
Architecture flamande 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture, Flemish


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Lefebvre, Pauline, editor.
BC Architects and Studies. Works. Selections.
International Architectural Exhibition (16th : 2018 : Venice, Italy),
International Architectural Exhibition (16th : 2018 : Venice, Italy)

BC Architects and Studies
Act of building


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305163
Cote: BIB 250892
Statut: Disponible


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