Para-platforms : on the spatial politics of right-wing populism / Markus Miessen & Zoë Ritts (eds.).
Titre et auteur:

Para-platforms : on the spatial politics of right-wing populism / Markus Miessen & Zoë Ritts (eds.).


Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2018]


203 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 20 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Markus Miessen & Zoë Ritts -- Sketch for a theory of design politics / Mahmoud Keshavarz -- The leaderless digital counterrevolution / Angela Nagel -- So heavy grasshoppers: allochthonous notes on populism / Benjamin H. Bratton -- In the name of God / Slavs & Tartars -- Para-platforms: Symposium, November 2017. Introduction / Markus Miessen -- The case of Trump & Brexit / Hannes Grassegger -- Rechte Räume / Stephan Trüby -- The NSU Case / Christina Varvia -- Template culture: parameters of political design themes for the internet / Konrad Renner -- Imagining terror: propaganda art today / Jonas Staal -- Negative internationalism and shame as strategy / Nina Power -- Solidarity without sameness / Patricia Reed -- Interview with Wolfgang Tillmans -- Let's talk about facism / Hito Steyerl -- The stone / Markus Miessen & Zoë Ritts -- To fit reality to their lies, 2018 / Liam Gillick.

Para-Platforms' investigates the social, spatial, and material reality of right-wing populism. Three case studies--presented in a symposium organized by Markus Miessen at the Gothenburg Design Festival in November 2017--form the core of this collection of essays: journalist Hannes Grassegger on Trump and Brexit; architectural theorist Stephan Trüby on spaces of right-wing extremism in Germany; and Christina Varvia on Forensic Architecture's investigation of the murder of Halit Yozgat, a young German man of Turkish descent, at the hands of a far-right group in 2006. The presentations are reproduced along with the ensuing conversations with Miessen and the audience members. An essay by design scholar Mahmoud Keshavarz opening the book discusses the capacity of design to create conditions for certain politics to occur. Among the other theoretical, artistic, and historical contributions in the reader, editor Zoë Ritts interviews artist Wolfgang Tillmans regarding his pro-EU poster series, the ongoing project truth study centre, and guest-edited volume What Is Different? The volume concludes with a comic by artist Liam Gillick animating a block of granite--culled from the Swedish quarry responsible for extracting the red granite intended for the Third Reich's architectural ambitions--as the messiah of spatial and material politics.




Design Political aspects.
Right-wing extremists.
Design Aspect politique.
Extrémistes de droite.
Extrême droite.
Libéralisme économique Influence.
Design architectural Aspect politique.
Urbanisme Aspect social.
Urbanisme Aspect politique.
Architecture et politique.
Art et politique.
Perception spatiale.
Art and Design.

Vedettes secondaires:

Miessen, Markus, editor.
Ritts, Zoë, editor.
Miessen, Markus editor.

On the spatial politics of right-wing populism


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306160
Cote: BIB 251867
Statut: Disponible


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