Theater, garden, bestiary : a materialist history of exhibitions / Tristan Garcia & Vincent Normand (eds.) ; translation, Susan Emanuel, Emilia Lanier, Gila Walker.
Titre et auteur:

Theater, garden, bestiary : a materialist history of exhibitions / Tristan Garcia & Vincent Normand (eds.) ; translation, Susan Emanuel, Emilia Lanier, Gila Walker.


[Lausanne] : ÉCAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne ; Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2019]


308 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm

Outgrowth of a research project of the same name conducted by HES-SO/University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne from November 2015 to March 2017. (Foreword)
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Stéphanie Moisdon -- Introduction / Tristan Garcia and Vincent Normand -- Nymphéas transplant / Pierre Huyghe -- I. Frame and stage : enclosing the subject. Concepts for the critical study of art exhibitions as media / Kim West ; Theatricality, autonomy, negativity / conversation with Juliane Rebentisch ; Anatomy theater : the order of curiosity / Rafael Mandressi ; Exposability : on the taking-place in future of art / Lucy Steeds ; Looking at animals / Filipa Ramos ; Apparatus and form : the split identity of the exhibition / Vincent Normand ; Folded cuts / Etienne Chambaud -- II. The site of soght : carving the object. Seeing, showing, ordering : notes on a natural history of exhibiting / João Ribas ; On the aestheticization, institutionalization, and dramatization of the concept of nature / conversation with Olivier Surel and Charles Wolfe ; Exposition/exhibition : the French salons / Stéphane Lojkine ; Compensatory postures : on natural history, necroaesthetics, and humiliation / Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin ; The exhibition as parergon of artworks : Russian avant-garde experiments / Elitza Dulguerova ; Neither gesture nor work of art : exhibition as disposing for appearance / Tristan Garcia ; Anamazon / Pamela Rosenkranz -- III. The exhibition-form : spatializing the concept. Blank space : about the white cube and the generic condition of contemporary art / Jeremy Lecomte ; Exhibiting and sensibilizing : recontextualizing "Les Immatériaux" / Yuk Hui ; Self-expropriated museums / Anselm Franke ; Art institutions as ritual spaces : a brief genealogy of gatherings / Dorothea von Hantelmann ; How to exhibit the spatialization of history? / Sami Khatib ; The exhibition-form and the space-time of the artwork : a retroactive ontology / conversation with Peter Osborne ; The form of not (axiom) / Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni.
Includes translations from the French.
Some articles translated from French.

This volume gathers and expands upon the results of the research project "Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions," held at ÉCAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, and proposes a history of exhibitions sourced from a wide corpus reaching beyond the framework of art institutions. It undertakes a transdisciplinary history at the nexus of art history, science studies, and philosophy, exploring the role the exhibition played in the construction of the conceptual categories of modernity, and outlines a historiographical model that conceptualizes the exhibition as both an aesthetic and an epistemic site.


3956794559 (paperback)
9783956794551 (paperback)


Museum exhibits Social aspects History.
Art Exhibitions Social aspects History.
Natural history Exhibitions Social aspects History.
Exhibitions Social aspects History.
Objets exposés Aspect social Histoire.
Art Expositions Aspect social Histoire.
Sciences naturelles Expositions Aspect social Histoire.
Expositions Aspect social Histoire.
Museum exhibits Social aspects
Musées de sciences naturelles Expositions Aspect social Histoire.
Libraries and Museums.



Vedettes secondaires:

Garcia, Tristan, 1981- editor.
Normand, Vincent, editor.
Normand, Vincent (Art historian), editor.
École cantonale d'art de Lausanne, issuing body.
Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale.
École cantonale d'art de Lausanne issuing body.

Theatre, garden, bestiary


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307759
Cote: BIB 253241
Statut: Disponible


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