Work, body, leisure / Marina Otero Verzier and Nick Axel, editors.
Titre et auteur:

Work, body, leisure / Marina Otero Verzier and Nick Axel, editors.


Berlin : Hatje Cantz ; Rotterdam : Het Nieuwe Instituut, [2018]


319 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles, plans, portraits ; 24 cm.

"Published in conjunction with the Dutch Pavilion at the 16 International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia"--Colophon.
"Published in conjunction with the Dutch Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia"--Colophon.
Includes bibliographical references.
Work, body, leisure / Marina Otero Verzier -- New (sic!) Babylon / Constant Nieuwenhuys -- No time to waste / Henk Ovink -- Splendid isolation / AMO -- Researching automated landscapes / Víctor Muñoz Sanz -- Automated landscapes / Het Nieuwe Instituut -- Automated architecture of leisure : Palm Springs, 1962 / Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió -- A proper occupation / Marina van Zuylen -- The form of otium : labor and leisure in ancient Greek and Roman domestic space / Pier Vittorio Aureli & Maria Shéhérazade -- Sex for sale / Anne Marie de Wildt -- Wages against housework / Silvia Federici -- Elektra in the kitchen / Markus Krajewski -- The 24/7 bed / Beatriz Colomina -- Offices of to-morrow / Nathalie de Vries -- What does the graphical user interface want? / Simone C. Niquille -- Hyperscaler ecotones / Femke Herregraven -- Derivative living : informatic subsumption or platform communism? / Jonathan Beller -- The jungle / Francesco Marullo -- An experimental note on technologies of certain bodies / Amal Alhaag -- The abolition to come / Egbert Alejandro -- Retrograde futurism / Ayesha Hameed -- Voguing on the roof of corporate architecture : RIP Wu Yongning / Paul B. Preciado.

'Work, Body, Leisure' explores the spatial configurations, living conditions, and notions of the human body engendered by disruptive changes in labor, its ethos, and its conditions. The Netherlands has been and continues to be a testing ground where the future of labor is reimagined. Published in conjunction with the Dutch Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, 'Work, Body, Leisure' analyzes spatial arrangements and protocols molded for the interaction between humans and machines, spaces that challenge traditional distinctions between work and leisure, the ways in which evolving notions of labor have categorized and defined bodies, and the legal, cultural, and technical infrastructures that enable their exploitation, with the aim of fostering new forms of creativity and responsibility within the architectural field in response to emerging technologies of automation. Exhibition: Dutch Pavilion, 16th Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy (26.05 - 25.11 2018).


9783775744256 (paperback)
3775744258 (paperback)


Architecture Human factors Exhibitions.
Architecture and technology Exhibitions.
Architecture and society Exhibitions.
Architecture and recreation Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture and recreation.
Architecture and society.
Architecture and technology.
Architecture Facteurs humains Expositions.
Architecture et technologie Expositions.
Architecture et société Expositions.
Architecture et loisirs Expositions.
Architecture 20e siècle Expositions.
Architecture 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture et loisirs.
Architecture et société.
Architecture et technologie.
Architecture Human factors.
Architecture, Modern.


Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Otero Verzier, Marina, editor.
Axel, Nick, editor.
Otero Verzier, Marina editor.
Axel, Nick editor.
International Architectural Exhibition (16th : 2018 : Venice, Italy),
International Architectural Exhibition (16th : 2018 : Venice, Italy)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 300795
Cote: BIB 247052
Notes: Project: New Society
Statut: Disponible


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