X-Ray architecture / Beatriz Colomina.
Entrée principale:

Colomina, Beatriz, author.

Titre et auteur:

X-Ray architecture / Beatriz Colomina.


Zürich : Lars Müller Publishers, [2019]


199 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 20 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction -- Health and Architecture: From Vitruvius to Sick Building Syndrome -- Tuberculosis -- X-Ray Intimacy -- Blurred Visions -- Hyperpublic: An Afterword.
Dust jacket.

X-Ray Architecture explores the enormous impact of medical discourse and imaging technologies on the formation, representation and reception of twentieth-century architecture. It challenges the normal understanding of modern architecture by proposing that it was shaped by the dominant medical obsession of its time: tuberculosis and its primary diagnostic tool, the X-ray. Modern architecture and the X-ray were born around the same time and evolved in parallel. While the X-ray exposed the inside of the body to the public eye, the modern building unveiled its interior, dramatically inverting the relationship between private and public. Architects presented their buildings as a kind of medical instrument for protecting and enhancing the body and psyche. Beatriz Colomina traces the psychopathologies of twentieth-century architecture--from the trauma of tuberculosis to more recent disorders such as burn-out syndrome and ADHD--and the huge transformations of privacy and publicity instigated by diagnostic tools from X-Rays to MRIs and beyond. She suggests that if we want to talk about the state of architecture today, we should look to the dominant obsessions with illness and the latest techniques of imaging the body--and ask what effects they have on the way we conceive architecture. --Publisher's website.


9783037784433 hardbound : alk. paper
3037784431 hardbound : alk. paper


Architecture and society.
Architecture Health aspects.
Architecture Psychological aspects.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture and technology.
Architecture, Modern.
Social medicine.
Personal space.
Social Medicine
Architecture history
Personal Space
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary history
History, 20th Century
Architecture et société.
Architecture Aspect psychologique.
Rayons X.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture et technologie.
Médecine sociale.
Espace personnel.
Médecine Histoire 20e siècle.
x-ray (radiation)
Architecture and Planning.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305109
Cote: BIB 250850
Statut: Disponible


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