Non-standard architectural productions : between aesthetic experience and social action / edited by Sandra Karina Löschke.
Titre et auteur:

Non-standard architectural productions : between aesthetic experience and social action / edited by Sandra Karina Löschke.


Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.


xv, 262 pages ; illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Architecture is not about buildings : perspectives on people-centered approaches in architecture / Sandra Karina Löschke -- Architectural aesthetics : from tent to tectonic and back again / Gernot Böhme -- Hippie modernism: curation and knowledge production / Greg Castillo -- Close encounters: architecture as experience / Sandra Karina Löschke -- Atmospheric thresholds and the production of cross-cultural spaces / Anna-Christina Engels-Schwarzpaul -- Sculpting with/in time: casting is/the site / Anne Bordeleau -- Home-work displacements / Jane Rendell -- Home controls: on the transformative redesign of urban housing / Sandra Karina Löschke and Hazel Easthope -- Pictures of architects: documentary photography, persona, and the visual evidence of work life and professional identity in architecture / Naomi Stead -- Feminism, activism, public scholarship / Karen Burns and Justine Clark -- 'They don't listen': the urban professions, education, and the urban poor / Anna Rubbo -- Whereabouts / Catie Newell -- Between social engagement and neoliberalism / Sean Weiss.

This book captures concepts and projects that reshape the discipline of architecture by prioritizing people over buildings. In doing so, it uncovers sophisticated approaches that go beyond standard architectural protocols to explore experience-based aesthetics, encounters, action-based research, critical practices, and social engagement. If these are widely understood as singular or incompatible approaches, the book reveals that they form a growing network of interrelations and generate levels of flexibility and dynamism that are reshaping the discipline.The thirteen chapters analyze thought-provoking projects - branded museums, restaged exhibitions, home/work spaces, multi-cultural spaces, ageing apartment blocks, abandoned homes, and urban slums amongst them. Together, they enliven the stalled debate about a single architectural response to the complex challenges of the contemporary world by highlighting pluralistic perspectives on architecture that offer fresh solutions on how architecture can improve people's lives. Featuring essays from an international range of authors, this book makes a vital contribution to our understanding of the wider conditions under which, and in relation to which, contemporary architecture is produced.


9780815382607 hardcover alkaline paper
081538260X hardcover alkaline paper
9780815382614 paperback alkaline paper
0815382618 paperback alkaline paper
electronic book


Architecture Human factors.
Architecture and society.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
Architecture et société.
Architectural practice

Vedettes secondaires:

Löschke, Sandra Karina, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306554
Cote: BIB 252106
Statut: Disponible


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