Ways of knowing cities / Laura Kurgan & Dare Brawley, editors ; with Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt.
Titre et auteur:

Ways of knowing cities / Laura Kurgan & Dare Brawley, editors ; with Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt.


New York, NY : Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, an imprint of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, [2019]


276 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Cities full of data: a preface / Laura Kurgan -- Ways of knowing cities: an introduction / Dare Brawley -- Hopeful resilience / Orit Halpern -- Ways of knowing cities [strikethrough] networks / Wendy Hui and Kyong Chun -- For Maalik, Naz, Brittany & Alexis: or, deliberate acts of disruption in city space / Simone Browne -- Watercraft: water infrastructure and its protocols of sprawl and displacement / Mitch McEwen -- Destabilizing the platform: improvisation on the electric grid / Dietmar Offenhuber -- Aleppo, Syria: urban destruction beyond winning the war / Laura Kurgan, Grga Basic, and Eva Schreiner -- Ether and ore: an archaeology of urban intelligences / Shannon Mattern -- Data driven: managing care and dis(re)memberings in the knowing city / Anita Say Chan -- Right to the smart city: how to represent, resist, or disappear / B. Coleman -- Minding the gaps. navigating absences in the Zimbabwean imaginaries / Tinashe Mushakavanhu and Nontsikelelo Mutiti -- Tracing the diasporic experience through the African hair braiding salon / Nontsikelelo Mutiti -- A war on mobility: the border empire strikes back? / Maribel Casas-Cortes and Sebastian Cobarrubias -- "Hostile environment"(s): sensing migration across weaponized terrains / Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani -- Urban intermedia: city, archive, narrative / Eve Blau -- Maps that move / Matthew W. Wilson -- Cartographies of distance / Leah Meisterin.

Technology mediates how we know and experience cities, and the nature of this mediation has always been deeply political. Today, the production and deployment of data is at the forefront of projects to grasp and reshape urban life. Ways of Knowing Cities considers the role of technology in generating, materializing, and contesting urban epistemologies-tracing an arc from ubiquitous sites of "smart" urbanism, to discrete struggles over infrastructural governance, to forgotten histories of segregation now naturalized in urban algorithms, to exceptional territories of border policing. Bringing together architects, urbanists, artists, and scholars of critical migration studies, media theory, geography, anthropology, and literature, the essays stage a deeply interdisciplinary conversation, interrogating the ways in which certain ways of knowing are predicated on the erasure of others. In this opening, the book engages the information systems that structure urban space and social life in it, historically and in the present moment, to imagine alternative practices and generate new critical perspectives on spatial research.


9781941332580 paperback
1941332587 paperback


City and town life.
Smart cities.
Technology Social aspects.
Urban policy.
Vie urbaine.
Villes intelligentes.
Politique urbaine.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development.

Vedettes secondaires:

Kurgan, Laura, editor.
Brawley, Dare, editor.
Kirkham-Lewitt, Isabelle, editor.
Kurgan, Laura editor.
Brawley, Dare editor.
Kirkham-Lewitt, Isabelle


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306609
Cote: BIB 252161
Statut: Disponible


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