Productive universals - specific situations : critical engagements in art, architecture, and urbanism / Anne Kockelkorn, Nina Zschocke (eds.) ; with contributions by Ursula Biemann [and fifteen others].
Titre et auteur:

Productive universals - specific situations : critical engagements in art, architecture, and urbanism / Anne Kockelkorn, Nina Zschocke (eds.) ; with contributions by Ursula Biemann [and fifteen others].


Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2019]


446 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimile, maps, plans, portraits ; 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Anne Kockelkorn And Nina Zschocke -- Taxonomy -- The Aesthetics of Classification and the Politics of Taxonomy : Blandowski's Encyclopedia as Theater, 1849-1859 / Khadija Von Zinnenburg Carroll -- Visualizing a Universal Theory of Form and Color : Owen Jones's "Grammar of Ornament, " 1856 / Ariane Varela Braga -- Regulation And Infrastructure -- Concrete Abstractions : Berlin's Statistical Bureau and the Concept of Zoning, 1862-1910 / Christa Kamleithner -- Salubrious Berlin : Public Streets and Universal Bodies of the Modern Municipality, 1860-1909 / Laila Seewang -- Palm Springs and the Nomos of Modernity : Prefabricated Steel Houses, Automation, and Settler Colonialism in Postwar America, 1943-1968 / Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió -- Discipline -- Female Agency and Psychological Warfare : French Colonial Civil and Military Interventions in Algeria, 1954-1962 / Samia Henni -- Mout Site Arcadia : The Military Training Area Grafenwöhr as a Model of the World / Johan Frederik Hartle -- History -- General History Revisited by Photography's Particularity : Siegfried Kracauer's Theory Seen through Richard Mosse's Practice / Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans -- Private Generalizations : The Emergence of the Micro Scale in Historical Research on Modern Housing / Gaia Caramellino And Filippo De Pieri -- Subjects -- From the Aesthetics of Life to the Dialectics of Collectivity : Anatoly Lunacharsky, Alexander Bogdanov, and Maxim Gorky, 1905-1917 / Alla Vronskaya -- Uncanny Theater : A Postmodernist Housing Play in Paris's Banlieues, 1972-1992 / Anne Kockelkorn -- Irreducibility -- Universality and Entanglement : Aesthetics, Politics, Publicity across the Arab Spring / Andrew Stefan Weiner -- Mobilizing Materialities : A Dialogue on the Planetary Condition and New Aesthetic Environmental Imaginaries / Ursula Biemann And Emily Eliza Scott.

Exhibited: "Détour : D'autres lectures du voyage = Detour: Alternative Readings of Travel", Centre canadien d'architecture, December 12, 2019-November 15, 2020.


In today's increasingly digitalized and neoliberal societies, debates on universals and specifics have gained new momentum. This volume situates the contemporary return to universal claims and concepts in the fields of art, architecture, and urbanism, and highlights the interrelation of the specific and the universal in diverse historical situations from the nineteenth century to the present. The collection?s essays thus venture an epistemic shift of the concept of universality: from essence to modality, from the abstract and static to the performative and productive. Are we ready again to ask universal questions? The editors and authors of this timely and refreshing volume say emphatically: Yes! But do not fear the old specter of transcendence. Each essay is packed with particulars, in a running dialogue about the specific conditions under which universals appear, and about their performative effects. Each asks: What is a universal, and what does it do? For whom, how, and why? And each responds with new critical scholarship in architecture, urbanism, and the visual arts, refashioned here as a highly particular science of universality. Reinhold Martin, Columbia GSAPP, New York.


9783956793011 (paperback)


Art History.
Architecture History.
Urbanization History.
Art Histoire.
Architecture Histoire.
Urbanisation Histoire.
art history.
Art Philosophy
Architecture Philosophy
City planning Philosophy
Universals (Philosophy)



Vedettes secondaires:

Kockelkorn, Anne, editor.
Zschocke, Nina, editor.
Biemann, Ursula, 1955- contributor.
Kockelkorn, Anne editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306674
Cote: BIB 252230
Statut: Disponible


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