A study of changes in foundation insulation levels in the United States / Jeffrey E. Christian, Melissa K. Voss.
Entrée principale:

Christian, Jeffrey E. author.

Titre et auteur:

A study of changes in foundation insulation levels in the United States / Jeffrey E. Christian, Melissa K. Voss.


Oak Ridge, Tennessee : Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy Division, October 1992.


xiii, 80 pages : illustrations, charts, map ; 28 cm

"ORNL/CON-351"--Title page.
At head of title: Energy Division.
"Prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ... managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400"--Title page.
Library copy: former shelfmark: XR-MI-4.

For almost 10 years the US Department of Energy (DOE) has sponsored a small research effort with the objective of working with the building industry to see that cost-effective foundation insulation levels are installed in all US buildings. One of the first discoveries in 1983--1984 was that less than 5% of the existing buildings had foundation insulation and less than 30% of new construction included foundation insulation. After producing foundation handbooks, actively working with energy code and standards groups (ASHRAE and Council of American Building Officials: Model Energy Code Committee) conducting told experiments, and developing computer models for predicting energy savings has any measurable progress been made toward the fulfillment of this DOE objective? Also, in order to derive maximum energy savings impact for this ongoing research activity, market feedback of progress toward attainment of the objective is needed. Using the network of building experts available to the Building Thermal Envelope Systems and Materials program, a short mail survey was developed, administered, and results analyzed. This study concludes that foundation insulation usage on new residential buildings has increased from 1982 levels of around 25% to 1992 levels of around 50%. Government handbooks and recent changes in local enforced codes and standards are identified as major contributors to this improvement. Progress has been made but more is needed to capture the remaining 40% of the foundations that should be insulated. Several issues are reported as obstacles that need to be overcome to capture the remainder of the foundation market.


Foundations United States.
Insulation (Heat)
Fondations (Construction) États-Unis.
United States.

Vedettes secondaires:

Voss, Melissa K. author.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Energy Division, issuing body.
Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
United States. Department of Energy.
University of Minnesota. Underground Space Center. Library.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Energy Division issuing body.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306438
Cote: BIB 252022
Statut: Disponible


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