Plasticity of the planet : on environmental challenge for art and its institutions / publishing editor: Magdalena Ziółkowska.
Titre et auteur:

Plasticity of the planet : on environmental challenge for art and its institutions / publishing editor: Magdalena Ziółkowska.


First edition.


[Milan-Italy] : Mousse Publishing ; [Warsaw, Poland] : U-jazdowski, [2019]


487 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 cm

Collected essays.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction: The plasticity of the institution / Magdalena Ziółkowsa -- Artists' projects: Bottle (2019) / Monika Zawadzki -- U-jazdowski: the case study -- Ochre as soap as process as community: some practices for confronting globalization and some questions to engage with the environmental crisis as part of the U-jazdowski program / Małgorzata Ludwisiak -- Plastic planetarism: the art of staying with the trouble / Jarosław Lubiak -- Artists' projects: Plastikus progressus: the trauma of waste (2019) / Bonita Ely -- Plasticity -- Plasticity of the world: philosophy, neuroscience, and feminism for the future / Catherine Malabou in conversation with Ewa Majewska -- The brain of history, or the mentality of the Anthropocene / Catherine Malabou -- The future is plastic: refiguring Malabou's plasticity / Alexander Hope -- Plastic cartographies: map and territory in Catherine Malabou and ecopoetics / Grzegorz Czemiel -- Artists' projects: Extrakorporal (2019) / Pakui Hardware -- New Practices -- Defossilization and refossilization: Deleuze/Guattari to the Anthropocene / Daniel Falb -- Goodbye Anthropocene -- Hello symbiocene: eco-social art practices for a new world / Cathy Fitzgerald -- (Re)presenting worlds of nonhuman scale / Małgorzata Sugiera -- Artists' Projects: Respawn (2019) / The Mycological Twist -- Institutions for the future -- There is nowhere to return to, but together, and not alone / Defne Ayas -- Who cares? Art institutions and the environmental crisis / Mira Gakjina -- Engaging with the trouble / Vivana Checchia -- For slow institutions / Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez -- Toward a feminist art institution? Counterpublics of the weak / Ewa Majewska -- The feminist (art) institution: code of practice -- In search of cultural protocols for art institutions / Anne Szefer Karlsen -- Artists' projects: The inter-species manifesto (2019) / Diana Lelonek & Anna Siekierska -- How to stay with the trouble? / Antonia Alampi; Corina L. Apostol; Tandazani Dhlakama; Kris Dittel; Bartosz Frąckowiak; Gridthiya Gaweewong; Katerina Gregos; Karina Kottová; Ruth Noack; Lívia Páldi; Aneta Rostkowska; Joanna Sokołowska; Tereza Stejskalová.

Can plastic planetarism replace neoliberal globalization? This publication is informed by Catherine Malabou's conception of destructive plasticity--an irreversible destruction of form that makes it possible for new phenomena to emerge. Here, the idea provides a framework for reflecting on an environmental crisis that is turning into an increasingly serious social crisis before our very eyes. This is a challenge to which neither contemporary art nor its institutions can remain indifferent; they must urgently develop their responses to it. The theoretical essays contained in this publication shed light on the nature and consequences of the destructive changes taking place in the natural/social environment. They are juxtaposed with artists', curators', and art researchers' comments on more specific practices, protocols, and formats of reaction, with the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art serving as a particular case study. In a conversation conducted specially for the book, Malabou speaks of the consequences of man's destructive activities and introduces the notion of ecological plasticity. -- Publisher's website.


9788867494330 (paperback)
8867494333 (paperback)


Art Environmental aspects.
Human ecology in art.
Nature Effect of human beings on In art.
Écologie humaine dans l'art.
Êtres humains Influence sur la nature Dans l'art.
Nature Effect of human beings on
Art et écologie.
Écologie humaine Dans l'art.
Nature Effets de l'homme Dans l'art.



Vedettes secondaires:

Ziółkowska, Magdalena, editor.
Ziółkowska, Magdalena editor.

On environmental challenge for art and its institutions


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308982
Cote: BIB 254296
Statut: Disponible


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