Rights of future generations : conditions : Sharjah Architecture Triennial 2019 / Adrian Lahoud (editor) ; Andrea Bagnato (coeditor) = Ḥuqūq al-ajyāl al-qādimah : ḥalāt : Trīnālī al-Shāriqah lil-ʻImārah / Adrīyān Laḥḥūd (al-muḥarrir), Andriyā Bājnātū (al-muḥarrir al-mushārik).
Titre et auteur:

Rights of future generations : conditions : Sharjah Architecture Triennial 2019 / Adrian Lahoud (editor) ; Andrea Bagnato (coeditor) = Ḥuqūq al-ajyāl al-qādimah : ḥalāt : Trīnālī al-Shāriqah lil-ʻImārah / Adrīyān Laḥḥūd (al-muḥarrir), Andriyā Bājnātū (al-muḥarrir al-mushārik).


Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz, [2020]


247 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles, maps ; 24 cm

Catalog of an exhibition held at Sharjah Architecture Triennale, United Arab Emirates, November 9, 2019-February 8, 2020.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Hoor Al Qasimi -- 1. Forms of afterlife. Ngurrara II: The world as a green archipelago / Adrian Lahoud -- The Ngurrara Canvas II / Michael McMahon in conversation with Annette Kogolo, Murungkurr Terry Murray, Peter Murray, and Japarti Joseph Nuggett -- Inheriting wetness : Marina Tabassum on landownership in the Ganges Delta -- Once removed / Lawrence Abu Hamdan talks to Bassel Abi Chahine -- Caring for the dead : Godofredo Pereira on the politics of exhumations -- Temporary guardians of images : Informal collective on Western Sahara -- New schools, new Egyptians : Mohamed Elshahed and Farida Makar on pedagogy and modernity -- Fanon's mission : Greg Thomas on rights, futures, and generations -- 2. Devotional practices. A dhow's voyage : Nidhi Mahajan on time, space, and capital in the Indian Ocean -- A landscape of prohibition : Tom Boylston on the church forest of Ethiopia -- The island is thinking : Adam Jasper on anthropology in Bali -- The regime's fig tree : Marwa Arsanios on plants, seeds, and violence -- Becoming xerophile : Cooking section on desert ornamentals -- Trails gathering outside : Ola Hassanain on the revolution in Sudan -- Parable of Mehr : Samaneh Moafi on public housing in Iran -- The room that suffocated me : Abir Saksouk on domestic segregation in Lebanon -- The tenants : Hamed Khosravi on Tehran's apartment blocks -- Platforms : Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara on the architecture of the ground -- 3. Signs and transmission. The Atacama lines : Alonso Barros and Gonzalo Pimentel on territorial justice in Chile -- Soil pedagogy : Grant Watson on the Otolith Group's O Horizon -- A thousand villages : Farzin Lotf--Jam, Felicity D. Scott, and Mark Wasiuta on UN Habitat's audio-visual program -- Satellite disparities : Jamon Van Den Hoek ont he politics of image collection -- A few big images : Stefan Tarnowski on the political economy of images from Syria -- Other natures : Adham Hafez on the making of the Suez Canal -- Material gesture : Anne Holtrop on the geology of Gypsum -- Feral effects : Victoria Baskin Coffey, Jennifer Deger, Anna Tsing, and Feifei Zhou on the more-than-human -- Echoes of a depth unknown : Dima Srouji on the excavations of Sebastia -- Life contained : Francesco Sebrgondi on the logistics of Gaza's borders

9783775747035 (paperback)
3775747036 (paperback)


Architecture and society Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern Exhibitions.
Arts, Modern Exhibitions.
Architecture et société Expositions.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture and society
Arts, Modern


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Lahoud, Adrian, editor.
Bagnato, Andrea, editor.
Lahoud, Adrian editor.
Bagnato, Andrea editor.
Sharjah Architecture Triennal, host institution.
Sharjah Architecture Triennale,

Ḥuqūq al-ajyāl al-qādimah : ḥālāt : Tirīnālī al-Shāriqah lil-ʻImārah


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309127
Cote: BIB 254407
Statut: Disponible


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