A bestiary of the Anthropocene : on hybrid minerals, animals, plants, fungi ... / Nicolas Nova & Disnovation.org.
Titre et auteur:

A bestiary of the Anthropocene : on hybrid minerals, animals, plants, fungi ... / Nicolas Nova & Disnovation.org.


First edition.


[Eindhoven] : Onomatopee, 2021.


245 pages, 11 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.


Onomatopee ; 188

Statement of responsibility from colophon.
"Vector art, in accordance with the book's topic, each illustration of our specimens is a hybrid; the result of a long process starting by a digital image collage, then turned into a hand drawing, and finally transformed into a vectorised image."--Colophon.
Printed in silver ink on black paper.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword : medieval bestiaries and Anthropocenic hybrid creatures / Nicolas Nova -- Kingdom of minerals : hybrid rocks, mountains, craters, bones and other misc. specimens -- Kingdom of animals : hybrid eagles, goats, dolphins, crabs, turtles, caterpillars, cows, rats, & other misc. specimens -- Kingdom of plants : hybrid trees, bushes, flowers, seeds, and other misc. specimens -- Kingdom of miscellaneous : hybrid viruses, mushrooms, clouds, and other misc. specimens -- Observations : medieval bestiaries, negative commons, laboratory planet.... On bestiaries (re-calling creatures of the Anthropocene) / Pierre-Olivier Dittman -- On classification (what kind of novum organum would it be?) / Matthieu Duperrex -- On artificiality (the artificial plan) / Benjamin H. Bratton -- On recombinant commons (temporary manifesto for a laboratory of recombinant commons / Aliens in Green -- On negative commons (the shadow over Centreville [and many more territories]) / Alexandre Monnin -- On anthropogenic landscapes (unintentional design in the Anthropocene) / Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing -- On life with the non-living (the raw material of the human world) / Michel Lussault -- On planetary indigestion (step into our O.F.F.I.C.E.) / The Center for Genomic Gastronomy -- On ferality (the great "feral Roomba" dismissal) / Pauline Briand -- On temporalities (towards a gestalt switch) / Geoffrey C. Bowker.

"An illustrated compilation of hybrid creatures of our time, equally inspired by medieval bestiaries and observations of our damaged planet. Designed as a field handbook, it aims at helping us observe, navigate, and orientate into the increasingly artificial fabric of the world. Plastiglomerates, surveillance robot dogs, fordite, artificial grass, antenna trees, Sars-Covid-2, decapitated mountains, drone-fighting eagles, standardised bananas... each of these specimens are symptomatic of the rapidly transforming "post-natural" era we live in. Often without us even noticing them, these creatures exponentially spread and co-exist with us. A Bestiary of the Anthropocene seeks to capture this precise moment when the biosphere and technosphere merge and mesh into one new hybrid body. What happens when technologies and their unintended consequences become so ubiquitous that it is difficult to define what is "natural" or not? What does it mean to live in a hybrid environment made of organic and synthetic matter? What new specimens are currently populating our planet at the beginning of the 21st century?" -- Page 4 of cover.


9789493148444 (softcover)


Nature Effect of human beings on.
Human ecology.
Global environmental change.
Technological innovations.
Nature Effect of human beings on In art.
Hybridization In art.
Technological innovations In art.
Hybridization, Genetic
Homme Influence sur la nature.
Écologie humaine.
Changement global (Environnement)
Homme Influence sur la nature Dans l'art.
Hybridation Dans l'art.
Innovations Dans l'art.
human ecology.


field guides.
artists' books (books)
Artists' books.
Field guides.
Guides d'identification.
Livres d'artistes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Nova, Nicolas, editor.
Roszkowska, Maria, illustrator.
Nova, Nicolas editor.
Roszkowska, Maria illustrator.
Disnovation.org, editor.
Aliens in Green (Theatrical group), writer of supplementary textual content.
Disnovation.org editor.
Aliens in Green (Theatrical group) writer of supplementary textual content.
Onomatopee (Series) ; no. 188.

Subtitle on colophon: Illustrated atlas of hybrid plants, animals, minerals, fungi, and other specimens


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309966
Cote: BIB 255101
Statut: Disponible


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