Work in France : representations, meaning, organization, and practice / edited by Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp.
Titre et auteur:

Work in France : representations, meaning, organization, and practice / edited by Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp.


Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1986.


576 pages : illustrations, map ; 25 cm

Selection of essays first presented at Cornell University on 28-30 April 1983 as part of a conference entitled Representations of Work in France.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Work, fellowship and some economic realities of eighteenth-century France / Daniel Roche -- Journeymen's migrations and workshop organization in eighteenth-century France / Michael Sonenscher -- Social and geographic mobility of the eighteenth-century guild artisan: an analysis of guild receptions in Dijon, 1700-1790 / Edward J. Shephard, Jr. -- Independent and insolent: journeymen and their "rites" on the old regime workplace / Cynthia M. Truant -- Social classification and representation in the corporate world of eighteenth-century France: Turgot's "Carnival" / Steven Laurence Kaplan -- The alphabetical order: work in Diderot's Encyclopédie / Cynthia J. Koepp -- Visions of labor: illustrations of the mechanical arts before, in, and after Diderot's Encyclopédie / William H. Sewell, Jr. -- The urban trades: social analysis and representation / Maurice Garden -- A nineteenth-century work experience as related in a worker's autobiography: Norbert Truquin / Michelle Perrot -- The myth of the artisan: critical reflections on a category of social history / Jacques Rancière -- Statistical representations of work: the politics of the Chamber of Commerce's Statisique de l'industrie à Paris, 1847-48 / Joan W. Scott -- The moral sense of farce: the patois literature of Lille factory laborers, 1848-70 / William M. Reddy -- Reinterpreting capitalist industrialization: a study of nineteenth-century France / Ronald Aminzade -- Proletarian families and social protest: production and reproduction as issues of social conflict in nineteenth-century France / Michael P. Hanagan -- Apprenticeship in nineteenth-century France: a continuing tradition of a break with the past? / Yves Lequin -- The European science of work: the economy of the body at the end of the nineteenth-century / Anson Rabinbach -- Automobile workers in France and their work, 1914-83 / Patrick Fridenson.
Dust jacket.

0801416973 (alk. paper)
9780801416972 (alk. paper)


Labor France History Congresses.
Work History Congresses.
Working class France History.
Trabajo Historia.
Travailleurs France Histoire.
Travail Histoire.
Travail France Histoire Congrès.
Travail Histoire Congrès.
Working class
Sociaal-economische geschiedenis.
Working class France History Congresses.
France Work, 1700-1983


Conference publications.
Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Kaplan, Steven L.
Koepp, Cynthia J.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 69424
Cote: ID:91-B63
Statut: Disponible


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