Distinguishing digital architecture : 6th Far Eastern international digital architectural design award / edited by Yu-Tung Liu.
Titre et auteur:

Distinguishing digital architecture : 6th Far Eastern international digital architectural design award / edited by Yu-Tung Liu.


Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, ©2007.


227 pages : color illustrations ; 26 x 26 cm + 1 DVD (4 3/4 in.)

Invited projects : Toyo Ito ; Zaha Hadid ; Diller Scofidio + Renfro ; UN Studio van Berkel & Bos ; Asymptote ; Fernando Menis ; Interview for creativity: conversation with Tadao Ando ; Interview for creativity: conversation with Toyo Ito ; Award projects and reviewers' comments -- Projects: liberation of form and space : Evan Douglis, USA ; François Roche + Stephanie Lavaux + Jean Navarro + Benoit Durandin, France ; Matias del Compo + Sandra Manninger, Astria ; Roland Snooks, USA ; Jesper Bork, Denmark ; Konstantinos Chrysos + Marianthi Tatari + Sarah Lorenzen, USA ; Christine-Luise Brückner + Michael Haller + Karsten Klenk, Germany ; Omar Khan + Dirk Pfiefer + James Brucz + Gerardo Ciprian + Nicole Scharlau + Si Li, USA ; Pavel Hladik, Czech Republic ; Wei-Yen Shao + Wan-Yu Liu, Taiwan ; Yuan-Zone Lee, Taiwan ; Yen-Ching Chung, Taiwan -- Evolving concept of space : ReD Research + Design, Marta Malé-Alemany + José Pedro Sousa, Spain ; BASE4, Simone Contasta + Andres Flores + Elena Bartarelli + Bidisha Sinha, UK ; Federico Dunkelberg + Amit Gupta + Puneet Khanna + Hooman Talebi, UK ; Andrew Thurlow + Maia Small, USA ; Daisuke Nagatomo + Minnie Jan, USA ; Fang-Yi Hsu + Chen Cnien-Tung, Taiwan -- Hojung An + Yungee Kim + Sangun Yeo, USA ; Jeong Der Ho + Deland Leong, Taiwan ; Ricky Titus, Guatemala ; Idislsection/, Robert B. Trempe, Jr., USA ; Yan Gao + Diego E. Rosales + Lucio Santos + Hsun-Hui Yang, UK ; Michal Kutalek, Czech Republic ; Joāo Monteiro + Michele Sbrissa, Italy -- Parametric intellegence of design : Michael Hansmeyer, Switzerland ; Daniel Coll I Capdevila, UK ; Kao Chun + Xie Jing, Hong Kong ; Micel Da Costa Gonçalves, France ; Paula Tomisaki, USA ; Shang-Yuan Chen, Taiwan ; Krassimir Krastev + Fabiano Friedrich, Germany ; Jelena Vico, Spain ; Manit Rastogi + Sonali Rastogi + Sanjay Bhardwaj + Pitambar Sahni + Nandani Shaligram + Deepanjali Chawli + Sahish Kumar + Arunava Sarkar, India ; Thomas v. Girsewald, Germany.
Conexistance of physical and virtual cities : Fabio Schillaci, Italy ; SMAQ, Sabine Müller + Andreas Quednau, Germany ; Margo Krasojevic, China ; Enrico G. Botta + Andrea Pertoldeo, Italy ; Krassimir Krastev + Fabrino Friedrich + Cornel Prahovean, Germany ; Aprea Lucio + Eleonora Arosio, Italy ; Chrysalide, Matteo Alfonsi + Giulietta Brunelli + Valeria Cataldi + Alessia Latini + Irene Mennini, Italy ; Timothy Leung, USA ; Arnoldo Sanchez + Hansell Bajuelo, Puerto Rica + Cuba ; Chia-Hao Tsai, Taiwan ; Chin-Ming Ko, Taiwan ; Chun-Chang Chen + Sheng-Fen Chien, Taiwan ; Kai kasugai + Philipp Hoppe, Germany ; Leandro Madrazo + Gonçal Costa, Spain ; Mitchell Page + Petra Gemeinboeck, Australia ; Sai-Hung Lo, Taiwan ; Vincenzo De Luce + Vito Palmeri + Marianna Della Bella, Italy -- Award statistics.

DVD contains: "high-resolution images of the awarded projects."


9783764381202 (paperback)
3764381205 (paperback)


Architectural design Data processing.
Computer art.
Computer-aided design.
Computer-Aided Design
Design architectural Informatique.
Art numérique.
Conception assistée par ordinateur.
computer-aided designs (visual works)


Optical disks.

Vedettes secondaires:

Liu, Yudong.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252530
Cote: BIB 181073
Statut: Disponible


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