On the rural : economy, sociology, geography / Henri Lefebvre ; edited by Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton ; translated by Robert Bononno with Matthew Dennis and Sîan Rosa Hunter Dodsworth.
Entrée principale:

Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991, author.

Titre et auteur:

On the rural : economy, sociology, geography / Henri Lefebvre ; edited by Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton ; translated by Robert Bononno with Matthew Dennis and Sîan Rosa Hunter Dodsworth.


Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2022]


li, 258 pages : map ; 22 cm

Translated from the French.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
From the rural to the urban and the production of space / Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton -- Notes on translation -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction to From the rural to the urban (1969) -- Problems of rural sociology: the peasant community and its historical-sociological problems (1949) -- Social classes in rural areas: tuscany and the mezzadria classica (1950) -- Perspectives on rural sociology (1953) -- Social relations, population phenomena, and labor problems in the agricultural sector of underdeveloped countries (1954) -- The village community (1956) -- The theory of ground rent and rural sociology (1956) -- The marxist-leninist theory of ground rent (1964) -- Introduction to the psychosociology of everyday life (1960) -- The new urban complex: lacq-mourenx and the urban problems of the new working class (1960) -- Experimental utopia: for a new urbanism (1961) -- The valley of campan: a study in historical sociology (1963) -- Publication history -- Index.

"Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton present Lefebvre's key works on rural questions, including the first half of his book Du rural à l'urbain and supplementary texts. On the Rural reveals the production of the rural as a key site of capitalist development and as a space of struggle"-- Provided by publisher.
"A collection of previously untranslated writings by Henri Lefebvre on rural sociology, situating his research in relation to wider Marxist works. On the Rural is the first English collection to translate Lefebvre's crucial but lesser-known writings on rural sociology and political economy, presenting a wide-ranging approach to understanding the historical and rural sociology of precapitalist social forms, their endurance today, and conditions of dispossession and uneven development. In On the Rural, Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton present Lefebvre's key works on rural questions, including the first half of his book Du rural à l'urbain and supplementary texts, two of which are largely unknown conference presentations published outside France. On the Rural offers methodological orientations for addressing questions of economy, sociology, and geography by deploying insights from spatial political economy to decipher the rural as a terrain and stake of capitalist transformation. By doing so, it reveals the production of the rural as a key site of capitalist development and as a space of struggle. This volume delivers a careful translation-supplemented with extensive notes and a substantive introduction-to cement Lefebvre's central contribution to the political economy of rural sociology and geography. "-- Provided by publisher.


9781517904685 library binding
1517904684 library binding
9781517904692 paperback
1517904692 paperback
electronic book
electronic book


Sociology, Urban.
Sociology, Rural.
Sociologie urbaine.
Sociologie rurale.
urban sociology.
rural sociology.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Rural.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Human Geography.

Vedettes secondaires:

Elden, Stuart, 1971- editor.
Morton, Adam David, 1971- editor.
Bononno, Robert, translator.
Dennis, Matthew (Translator), translator.
Dodsworth, Siân Rosa Hunter, translator.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315438
Cote: 315438
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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