The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.
Entrée principale:

Idenburg, Florian, author.

Titre et auteur:

The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.


Köln : Taschen GmbH, [2022]


592 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 22 cm

Includes index of projects.
Introduction -- Collage -- TBWA\Chiat\Day, Los Angeles / Clive Wilkinson Architects -- Data -- IBM Boca Raton / Marcel Breuer and Associates with Robert Gatje -- Scan -- Logan / SO - IL -- Objects -- Time -- College Life Insurance Company headquarters / Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates -- Event -- Arcosanti / Paolo Soleri et al. -- Guru -- Ads -- Salk Institute for Biological Studies / Louis Kahn with August Eduard Komendant and Lawrence Halprin -- Lab -- NCAR Mesa Laboratory / I.M. Pei & Associates -- Service -- PA Technology Center / Richard Rogers Partnership and Peter Rice -- Body -- Burroughs Wellcome Company Corporate Headquarters / Paul Randolph, architect -- Components -- Weyerhaeuser Headquarters / Edward Charles Bassett of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and Peter Walker of Sasaki, Walker and Associates -- Green -- The Ford Foundation Headquarters / Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates -- Tower -- Embarcadero Center / John Portman & Associates -- The James R. Thompson Center / Murphy/Jahn -- City -- Fictions --- Backmatter

"Immerse yourself with architects Florian Idenburg and LeeAnn Suen as they journey through a wide-ranging collection of the objects, systems, and buildings that have occupied the American office space since the advent of the internet. Through stories and speculations, Idenburg and Suen expose the relationships between space, work, and people, and explore the intentions that have driven the development of office design for working humans. In twelve essays, this book examines the spatial typologies and global phenomena that have defined the office in the last half century. Topics include the return of the work club, the rise of the corporate festival, the way of the charismatic guru, the shattering of the time clock, and the design of playgrounds for work. We cycle through Frank O. Gehry's radical, playful spaces for digital nomads in the advertising world, stagger under the weight of stacks of punch cards, feel the fit of our bodies in the Aeron Chair, answer the phone in Hugh Hefner's bed, and scroll through Lil Miquela's feed. Photographic essays by Iwan Baan provide a visual post-occupancy report on a range of canonical office projects, such as Marcel Breuer's IBM campus in Florida and the Ford Foundation's urban garden in Manhattan. Four intervening catalogs offer collections of experimental workplace products, augural advertisements for office building components, digital office components, and renderings of speculative workplaces; each catalog bridges the reality of the office and how we imagine its alternatives. This book is a theoretical backdrop for architects as much as it is for businesspeople and employees. With curiosity and skepticism, it looks at the spaces and solutions that have been designed for human work, tracing the transformation from work to occupation, from punch cards to "playbor," from today's lived experience to tomorrow's unpredictable, imagined futures."-- Provided by publisher


9783836574365 (pbk.)


Office buildings United States Design and construction.
Office buildings United States History.
Office decoration United States History.
Office decoration United States History Pictorial works.
Architecture United States.
Immeubles de bureaux États-Unis Histoire.
Bureaux Décoration États-Unis Histoire.
Bureaux Décoration États-Unis Histoire Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture États-Unis.
Office buildings Design and construction
Office buildings
Office decoration
United States


Pictorial works
Illustrated works.
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Suen, LeeAnn, author.
Baan, Iwan, 1975- photographer (expression)
Ritts, Zoë, editor, contributor.
Scovil, Duncan, contributor.
Yendrys, Sean, contributor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316758
Cote: 316758
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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