UFO : Unidentified Flying Object for contemporary architecture : UFO's experiments between political activism and the artistic avant-garde / editors, Beatrice Lampariello, False Mirror Office, Andrea Anselmo, Boris Hamzeian.
Entrée principale:

UFO (Actar)

Titre et auteur:

UFO : Unidentified Flying Object for contemporary architecture : UFO's experiments between political activism and the artistic avant-garde / editors, Beatrice Lampariello, False Mirror Office, Andrea Anselmo, Boris Hamzeian.


New York : Actar Publishers, 2022.


387 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

The collaboration between Beatrice Lampariello, an architecture historian specialized in the 1960s and 1970s, and False Mirror Office, a group of historians and designers engaged in the rediscovery of UFO group, lead to a monograph focused on the UFO’s work and an evaluation of their legacy relative to contemporary architecture. The monograph is composed of four sections: 1) History, a first-ever study of UFO by False Mirror Office via analysis of all archival and bibliographic sources, as well as a series of interviews with UFO members and a collection of its writings (published and unpublished), for the first time translated into English; 2) Context, composed of essays by historians and architectural theorists (Beatrice Lampariello, Simon Sadler, Alessandra Acocella, Giovanni Galli, Jacopo Galimberti) intended to place UFO’s work in the context of the avant-garde that influenced its work, from the experience of Florentine Radical Architecture to Umberto Eco’s theories on semiotics and the American experiences between Pop Art, Video Art and Happening; 3) Legacy, articulated through graphic contribution and essays by young designers, as False Mirror Office, Parasite 2.0, Point Supreme, Jimenez Lai, Andrew Kovacs, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Traumnovelle, (ab)Normal and Peter Behrbohm, to investigate UFO’s legacy relative to the contemporary revival of the most distinguishing creative processes and obsessions that shaped the so-called Radical Architecture; 4) Anthology the first complete collection of UFO writings for the first time available in English. -- Publisher's website 20230824


9781638409922 hardback
1638409927 hardcover


UFO (Group)
Radical architecture Italy Florence History 20th century.
Architecture radicale Italie Florence Histoire 20e siècle.
Radical architecture
Italy Florence



Vedettes secondaires:

Lampariello, Beatrice, editor.
Anselmo, Andrea, editor.
Hamzeian, Boris, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 317153
Cote: 317153
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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