Historic ranches of Wyoming / by Judith Hancock Sandoval ; with essays by T.A. Larson and Robert Roripaugh.
Entrée principale:

Sandoval, Judith Hancock de.

Titre et auteur:

Historic ranches of Wyoming / by Judith Hancock Sandoval ; with essays by T.A. Larson and Robert Roripaugh.


Casper, Wyo. : Nicolaysen Art Museum : Mountain States Lithographing Co. ; Lincoln, Neb. : Distributed by University of Nebraska Press, ©1986.


97 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Museum.
Ranch photos in Albany, Carbon, Converse, and Fremont Counties: ALBANY: (2) Lundquist Homestead at Chimney Rock -- (6) Andrew Anderson's homestead cabin -- (14) Mountain Meadow Ranch: Log suspension bridge -- Swastika or Windhurst Ranch: (21) Sheep shearing barn; (22) Sheep slides -- (29) Lloyd Ranch: Horse barn from Fort Sanders -- (30) Old Hutton or Heart Ranch: Blacksmith shop -- (34) Mill Creek Ranch: Log house -- (35) James May Ranch: Horse barn -- (48) Kite Ranch -- (49) Stone or Bath Ranch: Stone house -- TK Ranch: (55) Log house; (76) Cellar -- (56) Bovee Ranch -- (93) Double X Ranch: Old cars -- CARBON: (36) UT or Ferris Mountain Ranch -- CONVERSE: Olin Ranch: (11) Windmill, barn, & stock tank; (71) Bunkhouse & privy; (74) Granaries, (78) Kitchen of ranch house -- (65) Careyhurst Ranch (now the Bixby Ranch) -- (73) South of Glenrock, Box Elder Creek Road: Grant School -- FREMONT: (3) McKinney Ranch: Red sandstone barn -- (12, 13) Wind River Canyon, East Fort: Duncan siphon -- (16) Bear Creek Ranch: Hay meadow -- (19) Finley Ranch: Finley family -- (27) Swanson Ranch: Barn & house -- (41) Spring Creek Ranch: Horse stalls -- (50) "The Bain Place": Stone house -- (57) Cross Ranch: Log house -- (61) Cow barn. Formerly on RVD Ranch, now at Thunderbird Ranch (old Double Diamond) -- (70) (Upper) Circle Ranch: Slaughter chute -- (95) Steers Ranch: Log house.
Ranch photos in Johnson, Laramie, Lincoln, and Natrona Counties: JOHNSON: (1) Klondike Ranch: Leo Tass in his tack room -- (54) Bar OP or Copps Ranch: Brick house -- (60) Norris Graves Ranch: Stone barn -- LARAMIE: (7) Tom McGee (now Martin Ferguson) Ranch: Francis Matthew's homestead cabin -- (24) Warren Livestock Company's Pole Creek Ranch: Sheep shearing barn -- (42) Dereemer Ranch: Bunkhouse -- (45) Francis Ranch: Slaughterhouse -- (52) Old Gilchrist Ranch: barn -- (58) Wyoming Hereford Ranch: Show barn -- LINCOLN: (53) Star Valley, Fairview: Eldon Allred house -- (67) Star Valley, Bedford, Guy Fullmer Farm: Dairy barn -- NATRONA: (20) Meigh Sheep Ranch -- (25) Clear Creek Cattle Company: Lambing jugs -- Sun Ranch: (37) Corrals; (39) Milking barns -- (96) James Johnson Ranch: Log house.
Ranch photos in Park, Platte, and Sheridan Counties: PARK: Pitchfork Ranch: (4) Avery Homestead; (5) Z Bar T, cow camp of the Pitchfork Ranch; (32) Adobe house; (33) Bunkhouse -- Sunlight Basin, (8) Riddle Ranch: Sod-roofed cabin and truck -- (26) Sleeper Ranch: Sheep wagons -- (38) Shoshone Cattle Company: Log barn -- (69) Diamond Bar Ranch: Horse and milking barn -- (81) Hardpan Ranch: Porch of the ranch house -- Valley Ranch: (84) Blacksmith shop; (86) Horse corral -- Seven D Guest Ranch: (85) Blacksmith shop; (87) Dude cabins -- Palette 1 Ranch: (88) Log house and studio; (89) Barns; (90) Meat house / [Colonel Abraham Archibald A.A. Anderson] -- PLATTE: (51) Mule Shoe Ranch: Stone barn -- SHERIDAN: (18) Big Corrals Ranch: Tack room & hay loft of the horse barn -- LX Barn Ranch: (62) Stone bunkhouse; (63) Stone barn -- (64) Ellenwood Ranch: Stone house -- (72) Cabin Creek Ranch -- (77) Bear Claw Ranch: First house, later the cook house.
Ranch photos in Sublette, Teton, and Uinta Counties: SUBLETTE: (15) Campbell Ranch: Putting up hay with a buck rake -- (31) Hutah Ranch: Forge, blacksmith shop -- (47) PK Ranch: Bunkhouse -- (59) Flying W Ranch: Barn -- (79) Old Gene Noble Ranch: Pre-fabricated house -- (91) Cottonwood cemetery; (92) Grave of John E. Johnson, "Last of the Cottonwood Finns" -- (94) Arthur Moore Ranch: Clothesline -- TETON: (10) Fish Creek, Triangle Q Ranch: Corrals & barns -- Chambers Ranch: (17) Hay derrick, backstop, granary, & the Tetons; (75) Chicken house -- (66) Rocking H Ranch : Horse barn -- (68) Vande Water Ranch: Horse & cow barns -- (82) Bar BC Guest Ranch & the Tetons -- UINTA, Bridger Valley: (9) East of the Watson Ranch: Black's Fork Canal -- (23) Watson Ranch: Lambing sheds; (46) Log house -- (28) Beach Ranch: Lean-to-barn -- (40) Hysell Ranch: Horse barn -- (43) Taylor Ranch: Slaughterhouse -- (44) Meeks Ranch: Meathouse -- (80) Hickey Ranch: Ranch house.
Library copy: signed by the author.
Dust jacket.

0961497122 (pbk.)
9780961497125 (pbk.)


Ranch houses Wyoming Pictorial works.
Historic buildings Wyoming Pictorial works.
Ranch life Wyoming History.
Vie au ranch Wyoming Histoire.
Historic buildings.
Ranch houses.
Ranch life.
Wyoming History.
Wyoming Pictorial works.
Wyoming Ouvrages illustrés.


illustrated books.
Illustrated works.
Pictorial works.
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Larson, T. A. (Taft Alfred), 1910-2001.
Roripaugh, Robert A.
Roripaugh, Robert.
Nicolaysen Art Museum.
Autographs Sandoval, Judith Hancock de.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 20606
Cote: PO13320
Statut: Disponible


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