Metropolis, London : histories and representations since 1800 / edited by David Feldman and Gareth Stedman Jones.
Titre et auteur:

Metropolis, London : histories and representations since 1800 / edited by David Feldman and Gareth Stedman Jones.


London ; New York : Routledge, 1989.


330 pages, 14 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.


History workshop series

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / David Feldman and Gareth Stedman Jones -- Jennings' Buildings and the Royal Borough : the construction of the underclass in mid-Victorian England / Jennifer Davis -- The People's Palace : an image for East London in the 1880s / Deborah E.B. Weiner -- The importance of being English : Jewish immigration and the decay of liberal England / David Feldman -- Free from chains? : the image of women's labour in London, 1900-20 / Deborah Thom -- Radical clubs and London politics, 1870-1900 / John Davis -- "The millennium by return of post" : reconsidering London Progressivism, 1889-1907 / Susan Pennybacker -- Poplarism and proletarianism : unemployment and Labour politics in London, 1918-34 / James Gillespie -- The suburburan nation : politics and class in Lewisham / Tom Jeffrey.
"Fierce questions and taunts" : married life in working-class London, 1870-1914 / Ellen Ross -- Becoming a woman in London in the 1920s and 1930s / Sally Alexander -- The "cockney" and the nation, 1780-1988 / Gareth Stedman Jones.

The post-big-bang City, docklands, racist hooliganism, the new underclass, trade union defeats, the mounting disparities of the north-south divide ... These social and political images of late-twentieth century London seem to mark a decisive break wit the past. But as Metropolis demonstrates, the spectacle of London in the 1980s is not as novel as it might seem. What is striking about London's history since 1800 are the continuities and recurrences which punctuate it.


0415025168 (pbk.)
9780415025164 (pbk.)
041502515X (hard)
9780415025157 (hard)


London (England) Historiography.
London (England) History 1800-1950.
London (England) History 1951-
London (England) History.
Londres (Angleterre) Histoire.
Londres (Angleterre) Historiographie.
Londres (Angleterre) Histoire 1800-1950.
Londres (Angleterre) Histoire 1951-
England London.
London, history



Vedettes secondaires:

Feldman, David, 1957-
Stedman Jones, Gareth.
Jones, Gareth Stedman.
History workshop series.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 40422
Cote: ID:89-B10245
Statut: Disponible


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