Tangible traces : Dutch architecture and design in the making / [compiled and edited by Linda Vlassenrood ; essays by Linda Vlassenrood [and others]].
Titre et auteur:

Tangible traces : Dutch architecture and design in the making / [compiled and edited by Linda Vlassenrood ; essays by Linda Vlassenrood [and others]].


Rotterdam : NAi Publishers, ©2009.


243 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 21 cm

"Frank Havermans, Hella Jongerius, Claudy Jongstra, Onix, Alexander van Slobbe"--Cover.
Publication coincides with the traveling exhibition of the same name, curated by the Netherlands Architecture Institute, beginning Nov. 2, 2007 and concluding Feb. 28, 2010. Official Dutch entry at the 7th International Biennial of Architecture and Design, São Paulo, Brazil.
Includes bibliographical references.

Dutch Architecture and Design in the making.
How do architecture and design take on meaning in a world that has become uniform as a result of globalisation, standardisation and commercialisation? By embracing unmodern notions such as craftsmanship, tradition and context. These notions are the links between the work of spatial designer Frank Havermans, industrial designer Hella Jongerius, texile designer Claudy Jongstra, the architecture office Onix and fashion designer Alexander van Slobbe.
For years they have been working on an oeuvre which shows a new attention to detail, context and the local, the rediscovery of forgotten handicraft techniques, and a fascination with ordinary materials and archetypes. Although an air of nostalgia clings to the projects, through the incorporation of state of the art technologies and an unmistakable Dutch conceptual approach they are clearly projects of today. The result: buildings, installations, fabrics, clothing, and pieces of furniture that stimulate all the senses. --Book Jacket.




Architectural design Netherlands History 21st century Exhibitions.
Fashion design Netherlands History 21st century Exhibitions.
Textile design Netherlands History 21st century Exhibitions.
Industrial design Netherlands History 21st century Exhibitions.
Design History 21st century Exhibitions.
Designers Netherlands Exhibitions.
Design architectural Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle Expositions.
Textiles et tissus Dessins Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle Expositions.
Design Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle Expositions.
Design Histoire 21e siècle Expositions.
Designers Pays-Bas Expositions.
Architectural design.
Fashion design.
Industrial design.
Textile design.
Arkitektur Nederländerna sekelskiftet 2000 utställningskataloger.
Mode Nederländerna sekelskiftet 2000 utställningskataloger.
Industriell formgivning Nederländerna sekelskiftet 2000 utställningskataloger.
Textil konst Nederländerna sekelskiftet 2000 utställningskataloger.
Formgivare Nederländerna sekelskiftet 2000 utställningskataloger.


Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Vlassenrood, Linda.
Nederlands Architectuurinstituut.
Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura e Design de São Paulo (7th : 2007 : São Paulo, Brazil)
Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura (7th : 2007 : São Paulo, Brazil)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 268451
Cote: BIB 200284
Statut: Disponible


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