Digital culture / Charlie Gere.
Entrée principale:

Gere, Charlie.

Titre et auteur:

Digital culture / Charlie Gere.


2nd ed.


London : Reaktion Books, ©2008.


248 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm

Previous edition: 2002.
Previous ed.: 2002.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-235) and index.
What is digital culture? -- The beginnings of digital culture -- The cybernetic era -- The digital avant-garde -- The digital counter-culture -- Digital resistances -- Digital nature -- Digital culture in the twenty-first century.

"While few would contest the impact of the computer on the world of work, Digital Culture reveals its seismic effects on our social, cultural and political lives. In the last twenty years digital technologies in the form of mass media, TV, music and film have both converged with digital forms, such as the World Wide Web and video games, to surround us with a seamless digital mediascape, and integrally affected developments in art, music, film and literature." "Charlie Gere maps the set of cultural symptoms that gave rise to digital culture - among them the information needs of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century and of warfare in the twentieth, as well as counter-cultural experimentation and neo-liberalism in the post-war era - and the responses that they in turn produced: the arrival of cybernetics, artificial intelligence, the personal computer, ARPANET and the Internet, but also movements such as feminism, structuralism, deconstruction, punk and the culture that has grown up around Silicon Valley." "The result is a stimulating analysis that, by tracing digital thinking from its roots in the late eighteenth century to its avant-garde manifestations - whether in H.G. Wells's World Brain, John Cage's 4'33" or Cyberpunk - reveals digital culture to be neither radically new nor ultimately technologically driven, but uniquely all-pervasive."--Jacket


9781861893888 (pbk.)
1861893884 (pbk.)


Information technology Social aspects.
Digital electronics Social aspects.
Computers and civilization.
Digital divide.
Social movements.
Technologie de l'information Aspect social.
Électronique numérique Aspect social.
Ordinateurs et civilisation.
Fossé numérique.
Mouvements sociaux.
social movements.
05.20 communication and society.
Information technology.
Information society.
Cultural aspects.
Social aspects.
Informationsteknik sociala aspekter.


History (form)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283058
Cote: BIB 221051
Statut: Disponible


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