Cities after the fall of communism : reshaping cultural landscapes and European identity / edited by John Czaplicka, Nida Gelazis, and Blair A. Ruble.
Titre et auteur:

Cities after the fall of communism : reshaping cultural landscapes and European identity / edited by John Czaplicka, Nida Gelazis, and Blair A. Ruble.


Washington, D.C. : Woodrow Wilson Center Press ; Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, ©2009.


x, 368 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The changing face of Vilnius : from capital to administrative center and back / Irena Vaisvilaite -- The Novgorod model : creating a European past in Russia / Nicolai N. Petro -- Wrocław's search for a new historical narrative : from polonocentrism to postmodernism / Gregor Thum -- Mapping Tallinn after communism : modernist architecture as representation of a small nation / Jörg Hackmann -- The persuasive power of the Odessa myth / Oleg Gubar and Patricia Herlihy -- Traveling today through Sevastopol's past : postcommunist continuity in a "Ukrainian" cityscape / Karl D. Qualls -- Locating Kaliningrad/Königsberg on the map of Europe : "a Russia in Europe" or "a Europe in Russia"? / Olga Sezneva -- Kharkiv : a borderland city / Volodymyr Kravchenko -- L'viv in search of its identity : transformations of the city's public space / Liliana Hentosh and Bohdan Tscherkes -- Łódź in the postcommunist era : in search of a new identity / Joanna Michlic -- Szczecin's identity after 1989 : a local turn / Jan Musekamp -- Conclusion: Cities after the fall / Nida Gelazis, Blair A. Ruble, and John Czaplicka.
Dust jacket.

"Cities after the Fall of Communism traces the cultural reorientation of East European cities since 1989. Analyzing the architecture, commemorative practices, and urban planning ofcities such as Lviv, Vilnius, and Odessa, the contributors to this volume show how history may be selectively re-imagined in light of present political and cultural realities. These essays demonstrate that while East European cities gravitate nostalgically toward Habsburg, Baltic, Imperial Russian, and Germanic pasts, they are also embracing new urban identities grounded in ethnic-national, European, Western, and global contexts. Ultimately, the editors argue that one can see a "New Europe" taking shape in these cities, in which a strained discourse between different versions of the past and variously envisioned futures is being set in stone, steel, and glass."--Jacket.


9780801891915 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0801891914 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Cities and towns Europe, Eastern.
Post-communism Europe, Eastern.
Architecture Europe, Eastern.
City planning Europe, Eastern.
Villes Europe de l'Est.
Postcommunisme Europe de l'Est.
Cities and towns.
City planning.
Culturele identiteit.
Städer Östeuropa.
Postkommunism Östeuropa.
Arkitektur Östeuropa.
Stadsplanering Östeuropa.
Eastern Europe.
Baltische landen.

Vedettes secondaires:

Czaplicka, John.
Gelazis, Nida M.
Ruble, Blair A., 1949-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261236
Cote: BIB 192249
Statut: Disponible


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