The architecture of continuity : essays and conversations / Lars Spuybroek.
Entrée principale:

Spuybroek, Lars.

Titre et auteur:

The architecture of continuity : essays and conversations / Lars Spuybroek.


Rotterdam : V2 Pub. ; New York, NY : Distributed in North America through D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, ©2008.


291 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.


T series

Foreword by Detlef Mertins. Includes transcripts of interviews with Andreas Ruby, Arielle Pélenc, Rem Koolhaas, Cho Im Sik, Arjen Mulder, and Ludovica Tramontin.
Includes bibliographical references (page 291).
Experience, tectonics and continuity -- Motor geometry -- Substance and accident -- The motorization of reality -- The primacy of experience -- The soft machine of vision -- Africa comes first -- The structure of vagueness -- Sensograms at work -- The lives that are hidden -- Machining architecture -- The architecture of continuity -- Textile tectonics -- The aesthetics of variation -- Steel and freedom.

"The state of contemporary architecture is the product of a 150-year battle between the Polytechnic and the Fine Arts that has forced us into today's stalemate, one in which architecture is caught in the gaping chasm between a materialistic high-tech and an expressionistic formalism. Nevertheless, Spuybroek's aim is to mend such a rift by rethinking technology as part of our sensory apparatus, materiality as the realm of activity and agency, and structure as the product of genesis." "Building on Gottfried Semper's materialist theory of architecture, Spuybroek takes us from a philosophy of technology to a surprisingly historical argumentation that insistently revives the words of John Ruskin, William Hogarth and Wilhelm Worringer. The book includes several probing essays alongside extensive conversations in which we can see Spuybroek refine and sharpen his arguments. He makes statements such as 'No, I am not a Gothic Revivalist, but almost, ' or 'We should use new instruments to address old architectural problems; not to create new problems, ' and even 'We should reinvent tectonics, not do away with it.' In a period of calm with regard to architectural theorization this book makes a refreshing return to the basics, thereby realigning theory, methodology and architectural form."--Jacket.


9789056626372 (paperback)
905662637X (paperback)


Architectural design Computer simulation.
Virtual reality in architecture.
Architectural design Study and teaching Netherlands.
Architecture Netherlands History 20th century.
Architecture Netherlands History 21st century.
Design architectural Simulation par ordinateur.
Réalité virtuelle en architecture.
Design architectural Étude et enseignement Pays-Bas.
Architecture Pays-Bas Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle.
Architectural design Study and teaching.
Architecture Philosophy



Vedettes secondaires:

Cho, Im Sik
Koolhaas, Rem
Mertins, Detlef
Mulder, Arjen
Pelenc, Arielle
Ruby, Andreas
Tramontin, Maria Ludovica, 1973-
T series (Rotterdam, Netherlands)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261193
Cote: BIB 192209
Statut: Disponible


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