Building (in) the future : recasting labor in architecture / Peggy Deamer and Phillip Bernstein, editors.
Titre et auteur:

Building (in) the future : recasting labor in architecture / Peggy Deamer and Phillip Bernstein, editors.


New Haven : Yale School of Architecture ; New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2010.


215 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm

"Essays include a reconsideration of craft in light of digital fabrication; an exploration of new methods of collaboration; an analysis of changes in contracts and standards; and an assessment of the new market realities of mass production and customization"--P. [4] of cover.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Working and making. Intention, craft, and rationality / Kenneth Frampton ; Imagining risk / Scott Marble ; Parametric profligacy, radical economy / Mark Goulthorpe ; Valuing material comprehension / James Carpenter ; Between conception and production / Branko Kolarevic ; Exclusive dexterity / Kevin Rotheroe ; Detail deliberations / Peggy Deamer ; Technology and labor / Coren D. Sharples ; Open-source living / Kent Larson -- Collaboration. On the cultural separation of design labor / Paolo Tombesi ; Innovation rates and network organization / John E. Taylor ; Furthering collaboration / Howard W. Ashcraft ; Overcoming embedded inefficiencies / Rodd W. Merchant ; Controlling intellectual property / Christopher Noble ; Marketing and positioning design / Phillip G. Bernstein ; Models for practice : past, present, future / Phillip G. Bernstein -- Postscript / Reinhold Martin.

"There is no denying the transformational role of the computer in the evolution of contemporary architectural practice. But does this techno-determinlst account tell the whole story? Building (in) the Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture confronts this important question by examining the fundamental human relationships that characterize contemporary design and construction. Eighteen contributors including designers, engineers, fabricators, contractors, construction managers, software developers, and scholers examine how contemporary practice of production are reshaping the design/construction process." "Through observations, arguments, and detailed project explorations these diverse contributors describe new models of practice and reorganizations of labor for the twenty-first century. Essays include a reconsideration of craft in light of digital fabrication; an exploration of new methods of collaboration; an analysis of changes in contracts and standards; and an assessment of the new market realities of mass production and customization."--Jacket.


9781568988061 (alk. paper)
1568988060 (alk. paper)


Architectural practice.
Architects and builders.
Interprofessional relations.
Interprofessional Relations
Architectes et entrepreneurs.
Relations interprofessionnelles.
Architecture and Planning.
Sozialer Wandel
Arkitektur och samhälle.



Vedettes secondaires:

Deamer, Peggy.
Bernstein, Phillip (Phillip Gordon), 1957-

Recasting labor in architecture
Building the future


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 266524
Cote: BIB 198441
Statut: Disponible


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